Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Mercs, the Traveller

Basic Information


Neutral Good




  • The Traveler
  • Messenger of the Gods


Red / Blue


travel, trade, learning, chance



Mercs travels most of the planes on foot, but he has a hidden area in Bytopia. This home is a sort of gambling den, welcoming of travelers.


a caduceus (a winged staff)


The Old Oak (quarterstaff)






Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Mercs is the god of travelers, merchants, honorable thieves, gamblers, athletes, and eloquent speech. He also served as the messenger of the Puerduran pantheon, and the unofficial arbiter of disputes. Although very flippant and seemingly uncaring, Mercs is an avid champion of good and is very interested in justice. Mercs values the daring and wit necessary to pull off a daring and difficult theft but frowns upon stealing from those who cannot afford the loss.

History: Mercs was the deity of thieves once upon a time. He was the most clever and carefree of the deities at the time, with a keen sense of fairness that was legendary. He was known for committing mischief and mayhem until he was approached by Tanka during the Nullmagic as a preliminary member of the new pantheon he was forming, the Puerduran. Gradually, he was influenced by Tanka and Tyr and their model of behavior, taking on more benevolent aspects of his free-thinking independence, until he became the patron of enlightenment with travel and speed.

During the Eternal Day, the deity of ogres Vaprak saw his chance to raise the ogres’ rank in the grand scheme of things, and he descended to the Material realm in physical form to lead an ogre army in cooperation with General Blight. Mercs learned of his plans and alerted his allies. TyrBastra, and Mercs faced off against Vaprak and his three sons, Agmori, Hakuni, and Muaj, while Ora Whorls and Zuri took on Heramar and the Morrigan. Tyr slew Vaprak with the help of Mercs and Bastra, while Heramar was severely wounded and the Morrigan was banished. The three sons fled, vowing vengeance.

Description: Mercs appears as a nondescript mature man, wearing dusty travel clothes and carrying a walking staff. His brown bearded face is kind and gentle, and he keeps a black leather backpack on his back.



Allies: The Allin pantheon, Piper, Drendari, Sunnis, Erevan Ilesere, Vergadain, Brandobaris, Deep Sashelas, Charmalaine, Verenestra,

Opponents/Rivals: The Saqra pantheon, Vaprak, Moquol, Bargrikhul, Ceguline, Memnor, Vaharun, Abbathor, Roykyn

Relationships: When he is not traveling the planes or running an errand for a deity, Mercs is usually found together with Bastra and Tyr. The three have a close partnership and dedication to justice and retaliation. Mercs has long made his romantic interest in the Oak Princess known, but as yet she has not returned his feelings, although the two remain friends and allies. It was once believed that he and Diancastra were an item, but he has clarified his connection to the giantess scamp as one of mentor/student, although she does not acknowledge it.

The Church

Message of the Foot

Dogma: Speed and world knowledge are all important, for they are the lesser-known parts of valor. Fleet of foot and open of mind, you must guarantee that evil cannot gain a foothold on your soul. Travel the world and learn of the evils of man firsthand, so that you can enlighten your followers with the wisdom gained from experience.

Core Worshippers: Rogues, travelers, merchants, athletes

Clerical Alignments: CG, CN, NG

Clergy Titles/Structure: Merc’s priests are collectively known as journeymen.

Titles for journeymen include footpriests (initiates, caduceus tattooed on right hand). teachers (white robes with a caduceus on the front), journeymen (caduceus tattooed on both hands and silver vestments over clothing), mastermerks (tattoos are outlined in silver), travelers (caduceus tattoos are tattooed on both palms), and planewalkers (the palm tattoos are outlined in silver). The Quicksilver, the high priest, has the caduceus tattooed on his or her forehead.

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: Merc’s priests either travel regularly or keep themselves busy. Taking on a wide variety of professions, including serving as diplomats, judges, moneychangers, surveyors, and translators. But no matter what their position in life, all of Mercs’ journeymen must keep physically fit and be able to run long distances. Initiates, on being confirmed, have the caduceaus tattooed on the backs of both of their hands and forearms, to remind them always of their dedication. This can serve as their spellcasting focus. They cannot wear or be burdened enough to have their movement negatively affected.

Clergy Special Power: Journeymen gain the spell longstrider on their cleric spell list.

Holy Days: The Great Races (last week of Tiberion), when the journeymen compete in feats of speed and endurance; SteelDawn (first of Questron), when journeymen compete with each other and with other faiths; Scales of Justice (fourth of Farsloon), when a panel of judges comprised of swordbrothers presides over grand cases requested and brought from all over the Land, with the assistance of the journeymen.

Chosen: None currently, but he is been talking to Golon Aste.