Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Heramar & the Morrigan

Basic Information


Chaotic Evil


Male / Female


  • War
  • Morrigan: The Banshee
  • Morrigan: The Phantom Queen
  • Heramar: The Ruthless God
  • Heramar: The Warbringer


Red / Black


war, battle, conflict, fear, death, doom, instruments of war, weaponry



The couple has a vast fortress in Carceri.


a scarred and pitted spearhead pointed up


The Hounds of War (halfspear)


crows, carrion-eaters, boars


Banshees, demons


red, bronze

Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Heramar is the god of battle, killing, and fighting. As the personification of the savage side of war, he is fond of strife, anger, and unrestrained bloodletting. He is also jealous, untrustworthy, and easily offended. Heramar has few allies among the other deities but has plenty among demonkind. His followers revel in calling upon their demon allies, though it costs them dearly. Heramar will stop at nothing to gain power and will sacrifice even his followers to achieve what must be done.

The Morrigan was Xoac’s general of war. She is a fearsome warrior, causing great fear in her opponents, driving home her own battles with a spear in either hand. She expects her followers to fight constantly, encouraging petty wars where there otherwise would be none.

History: The pair agreed to support Vaprak the Bloody’s insurrection, using their followers to help bolster and gather the ogre army. They faced down Zuri and Ora Whorls during the GodsWar, and were forced to retreat when the Allin deities outnumbered them following the ogre deity’s death. Because of the partnership formed during that time, the pair found a mutual affection and admiration for the other, and agreed to companion together and combine their portfolios. Strangely enough, this marriage of convenience has been working.

Description: Heramar is a faceless armored man in black spiked armor. Red glows from the faceplate. He is always armed with a massive shield and a spear, and when he speaks it sounds sepulchral. The Morrigan is a decrepit wizened form of a woman, dressed in tattered clothes and her grey hair matted and dirty. She is terribly ugly and laughs a maniacal laugh.



Allies: The Suqra pantheon, the Lords of Fire, Vaprak, Maglubigek, Ilneval, Cegilune, Surtr, Baphomet, Lloth, Selvetarm, Deep Duerra, Roykyn

Opponents/Rivals: The Allin pantheon, Corellon Larethian, Rillifane Rallathil, Aerdrie Faenya, Haela & Gorm Brightaxe, Yondalla, Arvoreen, Urogalan, Urdlen

Relationships: Heramar or the Morrigan are not very popular among mortals or the other deities. Because of their clashes during the GodsWar, the pair despise Zuri and Ora Whorl, and have commanded their worshippers to attack their followers on sight, obliterating them. The Morrigan was instrumental in luring the gnomish deity Roykyn away from her given role as an aspect of Urdlen, and instead become an instrument of chaos and destruction. Heramar is close allies with Surtr, the Lord of the Fire Giants, and he frequently joins the Jacha deity in his battles. The Morrigan has long been welcome in the Spiderweb Pits of the Queen of Spiders, Lloth, and because of their demonic connections, Heramar has also allied with her and has shared some of the secrets of war with the deep elves.

The Church

Fists of Heramar

Dogma: The world is a cruel and terrible place, and only the strong have a right to happiness. Battle and war are the testing grounds of the faithful, and only the dedicated and strongest survive. Scars and wounds are marks of courage and signs of my approval of a good warrior. Those who fall in battle, or are mortally wounded, deserve death and should stay dead, for strength is the only way to guarantee a long life.

Core Worshippers: Fighters, barbarians, doomsayers

Clerical Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Clergy Titles/Structure: Bloodlords follow Heramar’s doctrine and badhb are the Morrigan’s priestesses of battle. They are not required to be married to each other, but there is no restriction on fraternization between the two orders.

Titles for bloodlords include the Untested (red loincloth and nothing else), the Bloodletters (crimson robes), the Hounds of War (crimson robes with bronze fringe), and the Commander in Blood (the high priest, crimson robes with bronze fringe and a spear of office made of bronze).

Titles for the badhb include the, and the Anand (the high priestess, )

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: Bloodlords must be male, and badhb must be female. Both bloodlords and badhb are heavily encouraged to use polearms.

Clergy Special Power: Bloodlords and badhb are extensively trained in the use of the spear, and so they gain the feat Polearm Master, but only for spears.

Holy Days:

Chosen: Bloodlord Caliph Elam is Heramar’s Chosen. The Morrigan’s Chosen was a secret for a long time, but it has recently been discovered that the current Champion of Erthasa is her Chosen.