Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Champion of Erthasa

Decades ago, a young Ertan girl by the name of Yuko Karobe, of MistHouse Illic, was found as the only survivor of a vampiric panther raid that wiped out a village. She was brought to the Keeper of the House, who raised her as the militant son he never had. When the current Champion learned of her prowess, he took her as his second in command, with the intent on having her become the first female Champion when he fell. And fall he did. She was stripped of her identity and imbued with the powers of the Champion. And thus did the LichQueen gain a foothold in Erthasa.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

The Champion is a stupid girl who cannot comprehend the power that the land possesses. Once I have secured the seat of the Lock, I will make sure she is dealt with. Her and her protectors.

letters from Paradox Crymrych to mysterious international conspirators

After the wars of secession in 6956 e.c., the Keepers of the Mists realized that they needed martial protection and appointed the first Champion of Erthasa, a position of military leadership under their control. The Champion was stripped of all personal identity and given his title to use as his name. He was then bathed in equal parts hellfire and mistsap and quenched in a well of power. This served to not only embed the magic into his very being but also chain him to the country, similar to them. This traditional position has never been vacant for long, since the Champion always takes a second that can and will serve as his or her replacement should he fall in service to Erthasa. The Champion cannot go past the borders of the country, tied to the Mists in the same way that the Keepers are.

Several decades later, after the Dark Speakers rebelled and fled to form their own country, the current Champion threw off the yokes of control from the Keepers and made the position an impartial, self-regulating equal to the Keepers. Although she took back some form of self-identity, she is still beholden to the Keepers and the country at large and keeps her position and title as her primary identity. She took Kadiya Sinioth as a second in command to oversee stability from the countries to the west, a controversial move that has nevertheless profited the country in terms of allies and fruitful trade greatly. She has concentrated on building the Ertan military back up and forming it into an equal to the MistHouses, just like her position in regards to the Keepers themselves. This situation would’ve been dealt with viciously in the past by prior Keepers…however, she was able to continue because of two Keepers who have thrown their Houses’ support behind her, believing as she does that this is what’s best to keep Erthasa protected and headed to a profitable future. It is her policies that have started the magocracy toward a decidedly anti-undead stance. It is rumored that she is a descendant of Keppli.

She is the primary wielder of Spellweaver, an intelligent longsword devoted to the destruction of divine spellcasters. It is unknown when Spellweaver was created. Some put its beginnings during the Empire’s fall, when the mad emperor had it created to combat his enemies. Some think it was born from the Masachog Mountainhome forges when the Chogs were at war with the basamortua nation. But the sword was actually born from the magical fires of Erthasa, a scant twenty years ago. Twelve Keepers of the Mists worked together in the construction of the blades. Regardless of its origins, none can dispute that the sword was instrumental in the destruction of the Church’s temples all over Erthasa and served to drive the Puerduran Church’s servants from its borders. The three swords that were made at the same time (Entropy, Spellweaver, and Dragonclaw) were designed to take advantage of divine weakness. Unfortunately, two of the swords, Entropy and Dragonclaw, were grabbed from the dead hands of Erthasa’s dying champions and have been missing ever since. Spellweaver is still in use, however, and serves as a reminder that the Ertans will not tolerate divine magic unchecked in their midst.