Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Dakaron is a flat world, although in reality, it’s more bowl-shaped. The planet has two moons; Shai, the purple moon, and Syrtul, the silver moon. They orbit the planet on the same path in alternate positions, from west to east, so there is never more than one moon in the sky at a time.

The top side of the world is the inhabited side, orbiting Arres at the center of this sphere on its east-west axis so that the sun seems to rise in the north and set in the south. The bottom side is considered almost completely uninhabitable because of the sparse climate and lack of water…and because of the burning rainfall that occasionally falls to this side from the rings of liquid fire that circle Dakaron’s neighbor, Pirolk. The Underdark is not as deep as on some other worlds, since going too deep will make you come out the other side…the few societies that live underground are still relatively close to the top side.

These are the maps of the major sections of the world. There is one main continent that is split into different discernible countries, and there are other smaller continents that count as their own region.

Orbit Map of the Solar System / Crystal Sphere

Full Map of the Main Continent

Threy and the Isle of Slaves

Mitaka-Shi (Land of Silk)

The Eldarlands (The Forgotten Continent)

The Sea of a Thousand Islands

Coral Isle

The Southron Desert

The Frozen Continent

Full Map of the Main Continent – pre Eternal Day