Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

General Blight

It’s unknown exactly where the original General Blight came from. It is undeniable that he was a powerful storm giant, even among his own kind, and well regarded. Somehow he became corrupted, seeking more and more power and knowledge, and fell under the sway of the Gray Man, who sent him to the Cabal. Promised the power to travel to the ancient world of the Eldar, the storm giant allowed the Cabal to perform a horrific ritual on him that involved summoning a nalfeshnee and binding it to the giant’s banner. From that point, General Blight was born.

Under direction from the Cabal and the Gray Man, General Blight spent several years in the Wastelands and mountains of the Southron Desert, gathering giants and monster clans to his name. He promised them wealth and power, but especially all the feasting on humanoid flesh they could stand. Many evil creatures flocked to his banner. Once he was in position, he used a stepping stone to instantly transport his army to the northern area of the Wastelands, bypassing many of the Tinnish alarms and patrols. He instantly attacked, not even waiting for the full force to congregate. He was not aware of Keleris Nightstalker or his own army and did not care, as the nalfeshnee was only intent on bringing down the Stone to partake of dwarven flesh. Thus the army, while huge and monstrous, was disorganized in its attack, and the siege started rather haphazard.

During the Eternal Day, General Blight contacted Desdemona, asking for her help. The nalfeshnee believed that she was still beholden to Asmodeus, and hoped to use the erinyes’ natural lust for violence to ensnare her as a gift to the demon lords. He was unaware that she had forsaken her pact and was working with the Beggar King. She allowed the contact and set the general up for a meeting to discuss her defection. She actually set him up for an ambush by ConradIstariLazarus, and Vanos. She gave them a bead of time, a powerful item of the Beggar King’s invention, which affected the target with a heightened slow spell that also acts as a dimensional anchor. This enabled them to destroy the general’s physical body and release the nalfeshnee inhabiting it. The demon fled back to the monstrous army and tried to lead them, but faced with such blatant evil many of the giants balked. This eventually led to the dissolution of the giant army assaulting the Stone, but unfortunately not before it fell. The nalfeshnee was eventually tracked down and destroyed by Sir Conrad.

The body of the storm giant has been entombed somewhere in the Spiked Crown Mountains, but it is now unknown where. There is great concern that his corpse could be a gateway for demonic forces.