Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Tyr, Lord of Swords

Basic Information


Lawful Good (Lawful Evil)




  • Lord of Swords
  • The Just God
  • The Knight of Courage and Strategy
  • Tiwaz


White / Red


courage, war, glory, law, nobility, strength



Tyr has a fortress on the lowest plateau of Mount Celestia with a platoon of celestial guards.


sword with hilt pointed up


Justicar (longsword)






Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Tyr is the deity of honorable combat and mettle. He watches over the battlefield with attentive study, watching for treasonous behavior and unlawfulness. He used to be the godly law enforcer of the Puerduran pantheon, using his impressive swordsmanship to uphold order. As the lord of swords, Tyr presides over the Valkyries and sends them to bring only the most valiant of mortal heroes to his home on Mount Celestia. He is the patron of courageous warriors.

History: Tyr has a dark side, however. His code of honor can be interpreted as being unbending and dogmatic. His dedication to order has been seen as tyrannical. And so it is that out of this belief Tiwaz was formed, his shadowy side. Tiwaz does not manifest itself often, but has been known to cause trouble when an ethically ambiguous matter has made the deity take a hard stance. It is this shadowy side that the Hierarchs of Maza worship, making it a part of the Triad. Tyr is not aware that it is his own darkness that he fights.

Description: Tyr manifests as a tall, handsome blonde man in gleaming steel full-plate armor. He usually has an armor cape that’s red with gold inlay that is attached to his pauldrons with platinum hawk crests. His sword is a massive longsword that glows with a brilliant light when drawn. Tyr does not wear a helmet but does have a circlet of silver on his brow.



Allies: the Allin pantheon, Moradin, Haela & Gorm Brightaxe, Arvoreen

Opponents/Rivals: the Saqra pantheon, Vaprak, Ilneval, Surtr, Baphomet, Selvetarm, Roykyn


The Church

The Tyrran Alliance

Dogma: Honor is all-important, and it is the first line of defense against evil. Remember the code of honor when dealing with foes and allies alike, for you will be judged not on the merit of your strength, but on the strength of your merit. You are the strong arm, supporting the weak around you, and you must stare valiantly into the eyes of death and even sacrifice yourself if it means striking a telling blow against evil.

Core Worshippers: Paladins, judges, magistrates, lawyers, police, the oppressed

Clerical Alignments: LG, LN, N

Clergy Titles/Structure: Tyr’s clerics are swordbrothers, and consider themselves the weapons and warriors of the church. They only advance to the next level of promotion once a year, during Steeldawn, when they prove themselves as deserving of the increase.

Titles for the swordbrothers include the Novices (leather armor only), the Fencers (any metallic armor), the Swordbrothers (metallic armor with a red cape), the Swordmasters (metallic armor with a golden sword embossed on the front and a red cape), and the Battlesword (the high priest, golden metallic armor with a red cape and a red plume on helmet).

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: Swordbrothers cannot allow any other to engage in battle before them, or strike at an unarmed foe. It is the swordbrother’s sacred duty to test his/her skill on the enemy at all times and be the unwavering strike against evil. Swordbrothers are not allowed to use a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, and are highly encouraged to use a sword as their primary weapon. They are also encouraged to always wear their armor, and to have the best armor kept in the best condition possible.

Clergy Special Power: Swordbrothers have proficiency and advantage when detecting a lie told in their presence. They are also extensively trained in the fine arts of swordmanship, and gain proficiency when using a sword as their primary weapon.

Holy Days: SteelDawn (first of Questron), when swordbrothers and their guests gather to a tournament for three days, testing the new recruits and promoting when applicable; Night of Death (25th of Questron), when the veil of reality between our plane and the Negative Energy Plane is at its thinnest, spontaneously creating undead. Commoners stay indoors to stay away from the dead while loachs (priests of Corrus), swordbrothers (priests of Tyr), heka (priests of the Mystic Sisters), and shieldmaidens (priests of Ora Whorls) patrol the night to battle the undead; Scales of Justice (fourth of Farsloon), when a panel of judges of swordbrothers preside over grand cases requested and brought from all over the Land.

Chosen: Annabelle Goldheart. Aura of Aggressive, Kinetic Energy anomaly