Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Corrus, Savage Chieftain

Basic Information


Chaotic Good




  • The Red God
  • Chieftain Hurl
  • The Horned Chief
  • Lord of the Sun
  • Kos (obsolete)
  • Belenus (obsolete)
  • Horus (obsolete)


Red / White


strength, courage, combat, sun, freedom, basamortua, the Golden Fields



Corrus has a massive hut in the fields of Arborea, where he hosts hunts and duels with his fellow elven deities and any random entity that might be visiting


crossed sword and axe imposed over a solar disc








Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Corrus is a barbarian deity, revered by the nomadic peoples of the world. He is especially revered by the basamortua and the Gitano, and he has taken steps to ensure his presence and temples are widespread through the Southron Desert and the Golden Fields.

History: Corrus, as he presently is, is a new deity. During the Eternal Day, when the GodsWar and the Puerduran pantheon were altering domains and portfolios, the deity was three separate members of the pantheon: Kos the Berserker, Horus, and Belenus, the patron of the Conclave of Storms. The three were dealt devasting wounds during their individual battles, as they were beset by various evil deities trying to take advantage of the chaos. The three merged their portfolios and retreated to the Golden Fields to recuperate. He emerged reinforced and stronger than ever but had discarded many of his old associations. Rather, because of the nature of his divine sources, he is a different creature than his original deities, and has embraced the beauty of liberty he surrounded himself with.

Description: Corrus appears as a barechested wildman, outfitted only in leather pants and fur-lined boots. His yellow skin is covered in his black hair, but he is clean-shaven and bald. He usually carries his signature khopesh in one hand, and his battleaxe in the other hand. A silver disc attached to his back outlines his upper body.

Manifestations: Corrus does not usually manifest an omen when called upon. The rare times he needs to send a sign, he will make a hawk made of sunlight appear in a place only the recipient can see for a bare instant.


Allies: The Allin pantheon, Lords of Fire, Kikanuti, Haela & Gorm Brightaxe, Persana

Opponents/Rivals: The Saqra pantheon, the Triad, Cegilune, Lloth, Vaharun, Selvetarm

Relationships: Of all the Allin deities, Corrus is the only one who deliberately keeps himself apart from the rest. While he is loyal and always willing to help when needed, he enjoys the company of his chosen desert to other deities. The exceptions are those that also carry a mortal charge, like Persana or Haela & Gorm Brightaxe, or those deities that have desert portfolios. Though he looks down on the evil deities and their minions, he believes in freedom above all things and fights an unending war against the UnderWorld and the Circle of Iron. He knows that there is an evil being behind the Circle’s actions and he knows evil deities are inhabiting the UnderWorld, but does not know who they are.

The Church


Dogma: Evil is a sufferance deemed necessary by those more knowledgeable than you or I. Fight it when you can, but remember to fight to free those trapped, enslaved, and captive. Freedom is a gift given to all of the creatures of the Land, and those who take it away are called my enemies. You must always strive to eradicate the diseased touch of Xoac and his ilk from the world, even at the expense of your life. You must always be diligent against his attack, and seek out the heart of blackness within the soul of darkness and snuff it out.

Core Worshippers: Barbarians, nomads, traveling merchants, bards, fighters, Gitano, basamortua

Clerical Alignments: CG, CN, NG, N, LG (paladins only)

Clergy Titles/Structure: Clerics of Corrus are called loachs, and usually hold the position of a battle advisor to the chief in nomadic tribes. They have no standard hierarchy within their church, other than their titles based on faithful service.

Titles for the loachs include the Rager (initiates bear no earring), the Warsquire (silver stud in right ear), the Battleknight (second silver stud in right ear), the Battlelord (third silver stud in left ear), and the Battlechampion (all earrings turn platinum).

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: Loachs are committed, heart and soul, to the battle against evil. It consumes their lives and burns them out soon. It is the rare loach who lives to old age. Loachs must take a trophy from every evil foe they have personally defeated. At noon every day, during the brightest moment of the day when light is at its most powerful, loachs kneel down and give homage to the sun.

Clergy Special Power: Loachs gain the rage ability of a barbarian, but can only invoke this ability once a day.

Holy Days: Armstenge (seventeenth of Darian), when the loachs gather to hold mock tournaments and duels of honor, with all proceeds from wins and bets going to local charities. The festival is held in different areas every year; Dance of the Jaguar (eleventh of Bastion), when the loachs dance their intricate rituals around a huge bonfire all night; Night of Death (25th of Questron), A night when the veil of reality between our plane and the Negative Energy Plane is at its thinnest, spontaneously creating undead. Commoners stay indoors to stay away from the dead while loachs (priests of Corrus), swordbrothers (priests of Tyr), heka (priests of the Mystic Sisters), and shieldmaidens (priests of Ora Whorls) patrol the night and battle the undead.

Chosen: Hasbro Nalas. Aura of Resolute. Kinetic Energy anomaly. Boon of the Fire Soul.