Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Hasbro Nalas

Hasbro Nalas is an exceptional warrior of steadfast honor and iron will. It is my belief that should his paths cross Aldro’s again, they will be a force to reckon with. They could rebuild the Puerduan Church, and the believers would flock to them. I do hope Vasu and Corrus figure that out eventually.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

I met the Chosen of Corrus once! It was amazing, he was just as handsome and powerful in real life as he is in the stories! I am hoping that my Lord will allow me to find a way to partner with him!

…I mean in a holy crusade. Filthy heathen.

Annabelle Goldheart

Hasbro Nalas was part of the original adventuring party, with Aldro Shieldcrusher, Ogden Faithfulrest, Uta Salacious, Ulric Arbelaster, and Tula Radul. He was a young squire to a petty lordling who abused his charge excessively but was rescued from servitude by Aldro. He dedicated his life to holy service and found his calling eventually when he was knighted in the service of Corrus. During the Eternal Day he defended many small towns in Latham against the Mazone forces, and was one of the last to hold the line during the retreat. He has secluded himself in the Golden Fields since then, trying to figure out what his next goal should be.

3.5 Stats: Human; Battleknight/Chosen of Corrus, Lvl 14

Physical Description: 6’7″, 213lbs, black hair, peach skin, green eyes, Age 41