Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Aldro Shieldcrusher

One of the wisest men I have ever met, Aldro Shieldcrusher is the natural replacement for the High Inquisitor. If anyone can bring the return of the Puerduan Church, it would be him. I am always reassured of the hope in mankind by the presence of heroes such as Aldro.

excerpt from Krim’s notes.

Listen, I remember a time when that albino was curled up crying because of some kid getting hurt. Let’s not kid ourselves here, he’s a great guy, but he could use a bit more manning up. But I love him like a brother.

Ogden Faithfulrest, when asked about Aldro Shieldcrusher’s promotion to Inquisitor.

Part of the original party, Aldro Shieldcrusher was born and raised in Sacrige, Latham, under the mentoring of the Puerduan Church. He excelled quickly, being wise beyond his years and seeing through the religiosity of the organization to the true faith underneath. He pledged his life to become a force for good in the world, and soon after leaving the seminary he joined the forge-abbots of the warrior smithgod Vasu. He was on a retrieval mission when he ran into a losing battle between a Cortesian mercenary group and a group of undead commanded by a necromancer in training, Keppli. He managed to help turn the tide, but only Ogden Faithfulrest survived. The two struck up a friendship, despite different beliefs, and they decided to adventure together. Shortly after they met Uta Salacious running away from home, and invited her to join. Although Ogden had designs early on wooing the elf, he was convinced by Aldro to befriend her first, and the three became close friends and comrades.

After several years of adventuring, Ogden got word in 6952 e.c. that his old enemy Keppli had established a power base in the Haunted Wood. He convinced the group to attack. Although she got away in the end, they were able to raid her castle and personal laboratory. Ever since then she has had a severe enmity for the group and especially for Uta, who took her spellbooks. Aldro was able to discern more about the backstory and the ulterior motives of the intelligent undead, and decided to investigate further.

Eventually, the group split ways after decades of adventuring and settled down to their own pursuits. Aldro went back to Latham, where his experience and wisdom allowed him to apply to become an Inquisitor. Using his newfound status and power, he organized many missions and inquisitions against the undead of the Haunted Wood. He served as emissary more than once to many countries allied to Latham. During the Eternal Day, he rallied the other Inquisitors and those Holish forces loyal to him to make a last stand in the Great Temple in Sacrige. He was instrumental in helping many escape the final destruction.

Aldro keeps in close contact with the former members of his group. He is currently still at large in the Hierarchy of Maza, fomenting unrest and organizing a rebellion uprising of loyal Holish. He is rumored to have a secret base of operations in Knightland.

3.5 Stats: Human; Cleric (forge-abbot)/inquisitor, Lvl16

Physical Description: 6’3″, 218lbs, white hair, milky white skin, pale yellow eyes, Age 54