Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Vasu, the Forgefather

Basic Information


Neutral Good




  • Forgefather
  • Amatsu
  • God of the Forge
  • Lord of all Smiths




blacksmithing, weaponry, crafts, protection, inventions


Vasu keeps his forge primed within the Outlands. His realm is known as the Great Smithy, which sits at the base of an exposed hill and extends far deeper into it than could be readily discerned from the outside.


hammer over an anvil


Craftmaster (warhammer)







Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Vasu is the god of blacksmiths and weapon forgers. Every and any magical weapon forged by Vasu possesses intelligence. All intelligent weapons can only be created with his blessing. Reputedly, weapons forged by the great Vasu will never miss their mark, and those struck by them will certainly be slain. He does not care how his weapons are used, seeing them as tools to promote ingenuity and invention, but his loyalty to Tyr and Corrus, his constant customers, is unparalleled.


Description: Though his size and appearance may at first be threatening, Vasu is a generally warm and friendly fellow. He is especially fond of sharing stories of battle and fine armaments. He often makes food and drinks for those he befriends, sharing with them a small feast. Vasu appears as a bearded dwarf the size of a giant, with brilliant red hair and sparkling blue eyes. He is dressed as a blacksmith with a forge apron, and usually has his signature smith’s hammer hanging from a loop on his belt, and a small travel anvil propped up on one shoulder.



Allies: The Allin pantheon, Moradin, Grond, Callarduan Smoothhands, Armak Behartu

Opponents/Rivals: The Saqra pantheon, Surtr

Relationships: Despite being forbidden to interact with the Saqra pantheon by Tanka, Vasu occasionally meets with Heramar in an official capacity to compare blacksmithing notes. He has a complicated relationship with the vestige Armak Behartu, as their powers dealing with intelligent weaponry conflict often.

The Church

The Divine Armory

Dogma: The purity of iron in heat does not compare with the purity of the heart, and you must be aware of this at all times. Just as you temper ugly ore to create beautiful weapons of good, so must you learn to forge yourself into a weapon for good. Remember that healing your friends and family can be a weapon as well, and help the weak always, whether the weakness be in body or in spirit. Weapons and armors are only tools, and tools are still only as good as the user. Only the truly refined at heart can possibly understand the true power of a sword, for example, or appreciate the beauty of a custom-made suit of armor.

Core Worshippers: Metalsmiths of all types, paladins, dwarves

Clerical Alignments: NG, N, NE, LG

Clergy Titles/Structure: Clerics of Vasu are called forge-abbots. Forge-abbots are expected to watch over and protect smiths and warriors alike.

Titles for the forge-abbots include the Initiates (must wear all orange vestments), the Students (must wear all blue vestments), the Wright-abbots (must wear blue vestments with a silver edge), the Teachers (blue and silver vestments), Forge-abbots (silver anvil clasps holding a blue cape), and the Weaponsmiths (the high priests who wear blue vestments with a silver anvil on the chest). The Divine Smith, the highest office in the church, is always adorned with ornate blue robes and a silver cape.

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: They are also expected to oversee the feeding and healing of the faithful, especially warriors wounded in battle. And any forge-abbot worth his apron must be able to produce quality weapons. Forge-abbots are permitted to wield any kind of weapon, so long as it is made of metal. They are required to wear a kilt as part of their priestly vestments. Forge-abbots typically are dressed in ornate vestments of blue and silver, made to look like plate armor. Anvils adorn the entire front of the ensemble. They are highly encouraged to be a participant, if not the actual forgers, of their armor and weapons. A forge-abbot is expected to pray at noon over their forgehammer, which is stuck into the earth handle first.

Clergy Special Power: When using smith’s tools, you are always considered to have expertise, and the time and cost needed to create anything is halved.

Holy Days: SteelDawn (first of Questron), when all forge-abbots gather to show skill at arms and forging; Blessing of Spring (last week of Rainview), when life returns with the coming of spring; Festival of Lights (first week of Calibra) when the forge-abbots host the week-long festivities

Chosen: While Vasu has not taken a Chosen, it is widely believed that Aldro Shieldcrusher is his Chosen. Aura of Unyielding. Empathy anomaly. Boon of Perfect Health