Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Piper, the Trickster

Basic Information


Neutral Good




  • Loki
  • Coyote
  • Lord of Spirits


Blue / Green


mischief, trickery, chaos, cunning



Piper has no permanent dwelling. He enjoys wandering around the Beastlands.


a coyote’s tail


Giant’s Tooth (dagger)


natural animals





Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Piper is the deity of mischief and cunning. Originally believed to be an animal spirit, he is credited with teaching men crafts. Despite the generous side of his personality, however, Piper is a cowardly thief who often resorts to trickery. A sly, vengeful trickster who is always causing trouble among the deities, he nevertheless adores his followers and tries to do right by them. Unfortunately, due to his nature, this frequently backfires.

History: Piper was once Loki, Mischief-maker and Giantfriend, a liaison deity between the Jacha pantheon and the Suqra pantheon, and the Coyote, Lord of the Animal Spirits and the most powerful of them all. The two merged by choice after the events that created Vertigo, which brought much disfavor to Loki and almost caused his demise. During the Godswar, his Chosen was blasted by Interitus and was removed from history, erasing his or her presence from the Land.

Description: Piper appears as a man with the head of a coyote and the bushy tail of one. He is usually adorned with simple commoner’s clothing, and holding a simple knife. He is always in motion as if he can’t stop himself from moving, and his tail is constantly swishing back and forth.



Allies: Tanka, Drendari, Sunnis, Stronmaus, Diancastra, Erevan Ilesere, Aerdrie Faenya, Vaharun, Vergadain, Charmalaine, Brandobaris, Garl Glittergold, Baravar Cloakshadow

Opponents/Rivals: Karaan, Interitus, Kurtulmak, Memnor, Lloth, Deep Duerra, Mrrshaulk

Relationships: He is bitterly angry with Interitus, and will not hesitate to cause him and his followers misfortune. He is reputed to be the former lover of Sunnis and Lloth, although the latter is unconfirmed. The same rumor holds him to be the father of Vaharun, the Masked Lord, and while the two have conducted trade and mischief together, it is doubtful there is much more to their relationship than that.

The Church

Cult of Spirits

Dogma: Know ye that the Lord of Spirits is the almighty one, destined to be served by all the gods. But until that time, you’ll do. Revere the spirits, all the spirits of nature, and the animal spirits. Since you will be doing that, remember that I am the almighty Lord of Spirits and your lord, and I know everything you do is seen by me and is good. Eradicate the hakasivi of Interitus where you can.

Core Worshippers: Bards, druids, rangers, rogues, jesters, merchants

Clerical Alignments: NG, N, NE, CG, CN

Clergy Titles/Structure: Little wolves

Clergy Special Duties & Responsibilities:

Clergy Special Power:

Holy Days:

Chosen: Piper used to have a Chosen. Since the GodsWar, Piper has decided not to subject another mortal to that kind of suffering but instead plans how to take vengeance on the deity of destruction.