Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Karaan, the Beast

Basic Information


Chaotic Evil




  • The Beast God
  • Fury’s Heart


Green / Black


savagery, the destructive side of nature, beasts, hunting, survival of the fittest, lycanthropes


Karaan has no home, but wanders the Outer Planes killing indiscriminately.


gnawed broken bones


a beast’s claw (unarmed strike / claw bracer)


carnivores, birds of prey, carrion-eaters


Lycanthropes, wendigo,


brown, red

Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: Karaan is savagery incarnate, the incarnation of the lust of the kill. He is a primordial, savage deity who revels in the hunt and the blood of the kill. The Beast delights in instilling fear in his victims, for he can literally smell and taste the essence of their terror. He is a vicious brute who does not indulge himself in politics, scandals, or subtleties of alliances…if you are on his bad side, then you will be the next one to be hunted down and devoured.

History: Karaan’s origins are more obscure than the other OverBeings. Although also formed of the creation pools of the Forest of Twilight, his original form has had many myths surrounding it. From the remains of an Eldar experiment gone wrong who sought solace in the mystical waters, to a wolf cub gone wrong who killed his littermates, to being kin to the Lord of Spirits Coyote, there is very little to explain how he came to be. There are myths that he is not the only one like him, however, he hides the existence of a sibling.

Description: Karaan appears as a mongrelized man-beast, with the back legs of a hyena, the head of a jackal, the forearms of a gorilla, the tattered wings of a bat, the broad tail of a crocodile, and the body of a bull. His fur is always matted with blood and gore, and he reeks of carrion.

Manifestations: Karaan despises seeing weakness in his followers. Omens from him come only when he feels a punishment is in order. The victim will find that he or she has an unexplained viciously ugly scar or wound somewhere on their body.


Allies: The Suqra pantheon, Baphomet, Lloth, Selvetarm, Urdlen, Roykyn, Mrrshaulk, Sess’inek, Ravanna

Opponents/Rivals: The Allin pantheon, Piper, Metzli, Boornik, Riccio, Hiatea, Corellon Larethian, Hanali Celanil, Rillifane Rallathil, Solonor Rallathil, Aerdrie Faenya, Thard Harr, Arvoreen, Sheela Peryroyl, Skerrit, Eachthighern, Emmantiensein, Verenestra, Sehanine Moonbow, the Great Mother

Relationships: He is allied with Xoac only because of his rancor for Bastra and Metzli, goddesses who have both rebuked him in physical passions and in combat and who have both taken parts of his portfolio away from him by force. He is occasionally seen with Baphomet, although the demonic Prince of Beasts has made active attempts to take the Beast’s portfolio. Most of the sylvan/nature deities despise Fury’s Heart and all he stands for and seek his death, although he has shown he can easily best any of these one-on-one. Although usually a lone hunter by nature, occasionally he will team up with Rugha when it serves his purpose. Karaan is a restless but masterful hunter, addicted to the thrill of a kill and the pleasure of inflicting pain. He stalks the Lower Planes, often appearing on the battlefields of the Blood War in order to wreak havoc; he is one of the few deities who appear able to interfere in that war between fiends, since he favors no side and slaughters combatants indiscriminately.

The Church

The Feral Cadre

Dogma: The basis of life is the survival of the fittest and the winnowing of the weak. A brutal, bloody death or kill has great meaning. The crux of life is the challenge between the hunter and the prey, the determination of who lives or dies. Stalk the wilderness without fear as the apex predator you are purposed to be. Remain alert and never kill from a distance, so that you can feel the flesh rend in your hands and taste the blood of those you slay.

Core Worshippers: hunters, evil lycanthropes, sentient carnivores, rangers, druids

Clerical Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Clergy Titles/Structure: Karaan’s actual clergy are rare, and not well known by other faiths, but almost universally feared or despised by those familiar with them. They are the leaders of the Feral Cadre, and almost entirely all are some form of animal hybrid. They are known as garulfar, and have little to no structure or official raiments. Some nontraditional worshipers sometimes adopt some sort of animal pelt worn about the shoulders and over the head.

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: Garulfar are expected to lead ceremonial hunts of some elusive but deadly creature at least once a year, calling on other garulfar and local hunters to participate. They are also expected to have some sort of trophy visibly displayed on their person of the most impressive beast the garulfar has killed with his or her bare hands. Garulfar oversee the initiation rituals of the Feral Cadre.

Clergy Special Power: Garulfar gain the natural explorer ability of a ranger of their cleric level. Their favored terrain must chosen from the following: coast, desert, forest, grassland, swamp.

Holy Days: Sacrifices of the Fall (last week of Lastfall), when garulfar must enter a wild uncharted area naked and emerge with the kill of a creature at least as powerful and intelligent as a typical commoner.

Chosen: Acid Clatic. Aura of Aggressive. Telepathy anomaly. Boon of the Unfettered.