Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Doll of Tears

Demoiselle Antunes – Troupe of Dance

The leader of the Troupe of Dance is the Demoiselle Antunes, whom some say has been a part of the Carnival since its inception. None know how old the Demoiselle really is. She seems to have been the same adolescent age for as long as anyone willing to talk about the matter can remember. Surely the Jack of Tears knows her age, but he isn’t telling.

Jovial and flamboyant in her evil, the Demoiselle is known for her string of lovers as well as for her penchant for transforming unfaithful paramours into a wide variety of fitting shapes. Transformation is not her only strength, though. The Demoiselle far outstrips any of the other leaders in the carnival for her knowledge of formal magic. It was once thought that she was an ancestress to the Godslayer.

The Demoiselle leads her troupe almost by default, being its most powerful member willing to accept the position, and quite talented besides. She is very attentive and detailed in their performance and training, and will not accept failure. She is very quick to “correct” flaws in performance or ability magically. The Demoiselle is close friends with Selene, and communes with the yuan-ti transmuter whenever possible.

The Demoiselle is close allies with Alice Redgrave, since their troupes typically serve in purpose together, and used to be romantically involved with both Baron Mirth and Cordelia. She has repeatedly rejected both Lord Quick’s advances and offers of alliance, and the two despise each other. She has no feelings either way toward the Tooth of Tears.