Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Ac’Tu, the Artifice

Basic Information


Lawful Evil




  • Anhur (Worshal)
  • the Eldar
  • the Clockwork God
  • the Artifice
  • the Maker


Red / Green


invention, artifice, construction, ideas, technology, war, law, modernization



Everyone thinks Ac’Tu keeps a working laboratory somewhere on the plane of Mechanus, staffed by specialized modrons. In reality, Ac’Tu keeps a secret lair on the distant planet of Tempret in the Norakad crystal sphere, as he is unable to maintain a divine realm elsewhere.


a set of metallic clockwork gears


Memory Expunger (war pick)


birds of prey


Modrons, golems,


copper, bronze, iron

Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: The supposed last remaining Eldar deity, Ac’Tu is the patron of artificers and those who embrace technology, especially technological advances for war. He is also dedicated to innovation and invention and enjoys seeing new ideas bear fruit. He is especially involved with his followers, possibly because he enjoys the creativity the mortals bring, or possibly because he is trying to endear himself.

History: Ac’Tu cemented his hold over the Eldarlands and kept himself alive in the modern age with the defeat and absorption of his greatest enemy, Anhur. With the merger of that one’s portfolio into his, Ac’Tu guaranteed that he could approach the other deities on equal footing. Because of this, he became the unintended patron of Worshal as they still call him Anhur.

However, the Eldar did not have deities as the modern world knows them, so there is no way Ac’Tu is an “Eldar deity”. It is far more likely that he was a powerful Eldar scientist who used a Word of Power to gain divinity, or maybe the last survivor of that civilization who was exposed to the creation pools and rose to godhood with the OtherBeings.

Description: Ac’Tu always appears as an Eldar, a blue-skinned human male who is abominably tall and skinny, with large six-fingered hands. He is usually dressed in simple white robes. He is completely hairless, and his eyes are hard, flat metallic circles. Whenever Ac’Tu moves, there is the sound of whirring gears.

Manifestations: Omens from Ac’Tu usually manifest like a flash of insight or inspiration at odd times. He also enjoys sending a screeching bird of prey flying by out of sight.


Allies: The Suqra pantheon, Lords of Fire, Moquol, Kurtulmak, Surtr, Memnor, Vergadain, Deep Duerra, Callarduan Smoothhands, Mrrshaulk, Sess’inek, Maanzecorian

Opponents/Rivals: The Allin pantheon, Thoth, Piper, Ios, Cegilune, Skoraus Stonebones, the Seelie Court, Aerdrie Faenya, Moradin, Berronar Truesilver, Thard Harr, the Chikapatcha pantheon, Lydia Puretone, Shekinester, Alathrien Druanna, the Great Mother

Relationships: Ac’Tu struck down the deity of honorable combat Anhur during the fall of the Athenon and Yuan-ti empires, infecting the body with his technology and literally absorbing him. He was able to do this without interference or drawing the attention of the other deities, and thus his takeover has been complete, or so he thinks. Ac’Tu continues to reach out to many of the other deities to cement his standing, especially those of knowledge like Thoth and Maanzecorian. Indeed, he has tried to get the illithid deity to ally with him, reasoning that the mind flayers might be the closest thing to a resurgence of the Eldar that he knows of. He suspects that Thoth knows his true origin, and wants to get close to access and possibly usurp the Outcast’s knowledge.  At one time Bastra was romantically linked to Anhur, so she has a special enmity for the Eldar deity.

The Church


Dogma: Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of ideas, is supreme. Knowledge is power and must be used for the betterment of all mankind, regardless of whether it is wanted or not. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how crazed they seem, let them be heard and considered. Actions count. Intentions are one thing, but it is the result that is the most important. Make new things that work. Question and challenge the unknown with new devices. Practice experimentation and innovation in the making of tools and the implementation of processes. Discuss ideas and spread them so that all may see the divine light that is Ac’Tu.

Core Worshippers: sages, scholars, inventors, artificers, Ashland gnomes, fighters, warlocks

Clerical Alignments: LE, LN, N, NE, NG

Clergy Titles/Structure: Clergy of the Clockwork God are called hexwrights. Hexwrights are rare and not well regarded. Because they are few and far between, they have no official titles or structure. When hexwrights meet, they compare blueprints and ideas with each other, and one will acknowledge the other as the superior.

Clergy Special Duties & Responsibilities: Hexwrights largely move about from town to town, finding employment as master crafters, builders, engineers, and tinkerers. It is their duty to assist inventors and innovators and to grab samples and blueprints of any new inventions they come across.

Clergy Special Power: Hexwrights gain access to the artificer’s tool and skill proficiencies as well as the cleric’s. In addition, they gain the ability to attune to any artificer’s infused item.

Holy Days: none

Chosen: None. Ac’Tu is still leery about doling out his power, still believing that he needs all that he can personally hold to be able to compete with the other deities.