Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Banner of Worshal

Name: Dominion of Worshal
Established: 5213 e.c.
Government Type: Stratocracy
Capital City: Furmlen Fort
Nationality: Woran
National Language: Woran (Eldar)
Currency: crownback
Census: Population – 41,960,000 ; People per sq. mi – 395.5

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Human (human, mern)54.7% (22,960,660)
Dwarf (mountain)25.5% (10,678,960)
Uncommon (elfling, stern, dark, aasimar, shifter, tiefling, grunt)15.7% (6,572,520)
Gnome (earth, whisper)1.7% (732,920)
Elf (noble)1.5% (624,400)
Halfling (light)0.7% (309,800)
Rare (genasi, axani)0.2% (80,740)

Area (sq mi): 106,085
Environment: temperate plains and grasslands
History: Worshal is considered to possess the greatest army in the land, if not the largest. A military state, every citizen is required to serve in the military for 5-10 years and is trained as a soldier. Approximately 22% of the population is actively serving at any given time, and the majority of the rest are supporting the active military, ready to be called into action.

Ever since the city-state was established by Corte in 5213 e.c., the country has served as a stopgap and defensive line against the Eldarlands and the horrors they spew forth on a regular basis. Every citizen is well acquainted with battle of some kind, since the Ironstar General considers every skirmish on the continent to be relevant to the interests of the crown and therefore of interest to Worshal.

Worshal has long had a history of conflict on its northern border with Tilver. The General has always considered the territory wasteful and the grey elves prideful. Only Vernus representatives, and the possibility of disapproval from Corte, has stopped any plans of invasion. However, during the Eternal Day, the ruling General was convinced by a duplicitous representative that the crown desired the extermination of the elves and the destruction of the Forest. Blinded by his battle lust, he began gathering the entire army from all over the land, pulling essential troops that could have helped Latham and Tindel, even going so far as depleting the guard on the Isthmus. Only the intervention of Swan Ramala and her allies prevented a devastating war. As it was, the southern tip of the country was compromised.

When the Ironstar General was removed, he was replaced by an aasimar. This one was immune to charm, and progressive in policy, and was amicable to negotiation when approached by representatives from the newly formed Kith nation. He has allowed Kith to travel among the known lands on a temporary visa, as a precursor to the possibility of allowing the Kith come back as a race and culture, and has even dispatched troops into the Eldarlands to help where they can. He has dispatched aid all over the continent in an attempt to help stabilize the aftereffects of the Eternal Day, and to make amends for what he considers Worshal’s dereliction.

Ruling Entity: the Ironstar General

Items of Interest:

Foreign Policy: Worshal has many Orderhouses but few actual diplomats, preferring to rely on their martial prowess to settle any disputes. They hire Vernus representatives and Cortesian diplomats when they absolutely need to enter negotiations, and thus are on very good terms with both countries. There is an uneasy peace between Worshal and Tilver…neither side trusts the other completely. Worshal has resolved any differences they had with Agadar and Hyannus and considers the two countries allies against the depredations of Siman pirates, Trin mercenaries, and SeaFort’s strange chaotic weather magics. They find Fors to be worthy of respect and are on good terms with many southern countries.

Associated Organizations: The Order of Ibis, the Royal Heralds, the Flying Scarves, the Syndicate of the Unseen Knife, the Shadowmind Guild, the Cabal, Tormented Bonds, the Five Dragons, the Circle of Iron, the Umbra Collective, Imperial Order, Iron Squadron

Creation Information

Regional Backgrounds: Athlete, Caravan Specialist, City Watch, Criminal, Eldar Scientist, Faction Agent, Farmer, Fisher, Folk Hero, Former Slave, Gladiator, House Agent, Hunter, Knight of the Order, Marine, Noble Knight, Outlander, Royal Herald, Sailor, Soldier, Spy, Syndicate Operative

Regional Feats: Aboriginal (Hills, Grassland), Beastsign, Blooded, Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Discipline, Dragonsign, Dwarvenlore, Fearless, Horse Nomad, Luck of the Heroes, Militia, Natural Distrust, Regional Acumen, Saddleback, Stoneblood, Thuggish, Tireless, War Caster

Languages: Woran, Cortesian, Common