Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Ulric Arbelaster

This individual is an interesting specimen. I almost feel like he is incapable of holding to a purpose or promise. He enjoys betrayal and backstabbing, and has refined it to an art. I am very surprised that he was not one of the individuals contacted by Arcum. Regardless, he is of minimal concern to the greater events of history.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

How does it feel to be wrong? Even the all-knowing Sage sometimes overestimates himself. We still have no idea where the horn of summons is, but Ulric has been spotted both in Erthasa and Egremont. So he is obviously involved in matters that could cause concern.

The Beggar King

The ArchSeer is never wrong. He is sometimes hasty in his estimations, but he is never wrong.

Damia’s notes in the margin.

Ulric was always the adventurous type, seeking danger and excitement. That’s why he petitioned to join the party that saved his village in Tilver from a giant spider invasion. Ogden, Uta, and Aldro were reluctant to take him on but decided that his skills would prove useful in the long run.

Unfortunately, he also had a distressing habit of pilfering small objects, just to prove that he was better, just for fun. He expected everyone else to participate in that fun. He was arrogant and malicious and had a rebellious streak. That attitude changed when he was slain by Ogden in return for taking his money.

When Ulric’s body was discovered by clerics and raised, he joined them in their pilgrimage to Sacrige out of gratitude. Eager to prove himself and repay his debt, he joined the Divine Seekers. After a couple of years of that, however, he quickly grew tired of the orders and the Church. On the side, he organized a secret order of rogues and assassins who would be a counter to the growing influence of the Syndicate of the Unseen Knife and the Church. He left the Church and went into hiding, expanding his control.

Eventually, the Dark Brotherhood came into power when it gained control of Icos and a few cities in Karam. Ever since then, Ulric has been carefully marshaling his forces, eager for the day he can confront his ex-murderer and destroy him. He has already located where Ogden’s castle is and has plans to sell that information to Keppli.

He was being actively hunted by the Church and the seekers before the Eternal Day. And though his identity is not known, the Syndicate wants him dead as well. He has been disowned by his House, and the elves are shameful of his presence. He is known among the right circles as the Betrayer, and it is said that he cannot be trusted to even reveal his own name without finding an angle that will benefit only him.

It is rumored that he has joined the Dark Brotherhood. It is also rumored he joined the Dark Speakers. Due to the events following the Eternal Day, both of these rumors are true.

In 16 SR, Ulric stole the Horn of Summons from the Dark Speakers and fled south. His shadow tactics were no match for the assassins sent after him, however, and he was forced to defend himself in the Wastelands. In the ensuing battle, the Shadovar attack, seeing the opportunity to take the Horn for their mysterious queen. In desperation, Ulric used the Horn. The tarrasque devastated most of the forces on both sides before it disappears. There has been no sign of Ulric since.

Symm – shadow elf companion

3.5 Stats: Wood elf; Rogue/shadowdancer/divine seeker/darkbrother, Lvl 15

Physical Description: 5’1″, 100lbs, long yellow hair, light brown skin, light brown eyes, Age 172