Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

the Light

Shortly after the Grey Withdrawal, when the grey elves retreated from the world into the Forest of Twilight, the Light appeared. Stepping out of the Tilven Forest in 5105 e.c., the Light’s origins are a complete mystery to historical research. Even elven scholars disagree about what the Light actually was or where she came from. It is undeniable that she was instrumental in establishing the current culture of Tilven life.

Over the next few decades, she took the various bands of grey and forgotten elves who were wandering aimlessly and brought them to the location of three colossal titanwood trees on the west coast. The grey elves established their first city at the trees’ bases in the roots. It was she who eventually led the ritual that turned the three trees into the actual guardians known as the Three Sages, living cities that would house the majority of the grey elf population.

The Light helped the grey elves, setting up a court of law and establishing a governmental authority over the entire nation. While there was no acknowledgment of official authority, the Light would guide the fledging elven kingdom for centuries. She considered herself outside of the nation, merely a consultant and helpmeet to the grey elves (and sometimes the forgotten tribes that kept close to Tilver). Under her informal husbandry, the elven kingdom survived the Night of Horror, witnessed the founding of the Iron Kingdom, created Unicorn’s Glen to unite the noble elves of Tindel, and allied with the Cortesian monarchy to repel the demon hordes of the Demon Trials.

It was the final event that would eventually spell her doom, bringing the Iron Kingdom and their rhabdophobic Mageslayer King upon their heads. The clashes between the grey elves and the gold dwarves would come to a head in an epic battle, falling to the Mageslayer King but destroying him in the process. No witness lives to tell the tale of their confrontation, and there is a strange cult of secrecy practiced by both gold dwarves and grey elves about the location.

It was believed that the power that fueled the Light was infused in one of her lowly handmaidens. She gave birth a year later, despite a vow of chastity. The newborn girl, named Liahgin, was raised to be a princess and displayed a power of intelligence that many found to be reminiscent of the Light. This led to many believing she was the scion of the Light and grew to be considered sovereign over Tilver.