Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.



Name: Tarm
Established: 4670 e.c.
Slogan: “Only the strong will rule all”
Government Type: dictatorship
Capital City: The House of Wind and Fire
Nationality: Tarman
National Language: Orc (Midgardr)
Census: Population – 60,000,000; People per sq mi – 138.5

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Monstrous (orc, tanarukk, ogre, hobgoblin, goblin, bugbear)99.6% (59,778,000)
Human (human, mern)0.2% (100,000)
Dwarf (mountain)0.1% (75,000)
Uncommon (aasimarshiftertiefling, elfling, grunt)0.0% (35,000)
Rare (genasihengeyokai, sharkfolk)0.0% (12,000)
Gnome0.0% (0)
Halfling0.0% (0)
Elf0.0% (0)

Area (sq mi): 433,000
Environment: harsh badlands, volcanic mountains

History: Tarm is a monster-ruled, monster-overrun country, the home of the Orc Empire. It is the origin of the Legend of the Prince and the Warrior, a story told fearfully in Grankkan but celebrated in Tarm. The legendary demon prince brought much of its own minions into the country, infecting it further with its own evil, and although Grankkan is now free and civilized, Tarm still seeks to overrun and destroy it all.

Tarm was never touched by the Forest of Twilight; that being rejected the scarred and mountainous wasteland that makes up the entire continent. The Eldar too decided against attempting to colonize the island, seeing it as a wasted effort. Instead, they used it to dump their “failed” creations, the orcnea, a progenitor race to the orc and ogre and goblin races. Thus it was nearly desolate when Chieftain Lob, Lord Ban’s ancestor, gathered together the many monster clans in 4670 e.c. to form a unified country. This gave the orc empire the necessary manpower to take control of both continents.

In 5000 e.c. the demon prince was accidentally summoned by the empire’s most powerful magepriests, and for the next hundred years, he ruled ruthlessly, enslaving what he considered the lesser races, and breeding his demons with the orcs and other monsters to create a more powerful army. He had plans to invade the main continent and sent many scouts and emissaries to disrupt the Athenon Empire. When the mysterious warrior and his allies finally defeated the demon prince, the orcs took back their country. With everything in chaos and ruins, they were unable to stop the Y’Scun from closing the Rashon Isthmus. They were helped in this by the avariel elves, who had departed the main continent during the Grey Withdrawal, and sought a new home in Grankkan.

Ever since then the Orc Empire has been building its power back up, intent on once again ruling both islands, and eventually the world. The orcs continued their breeding programs, becoming expert demon summoners, and in 6638 e.c. their greatest accomplishment was born. Lord Ban is rumored to be a tanarukk, an orc with the blood of a demon. He has been trained extensively in the arts of demon magic and martial warfare.

In the year of the Lunar Conjunction, 7000 e.c., Lord Ban attempted a new ritual to summon another demon prince. The original demon prince’s followers and the Y’Scun both stopped the ritual. The Skymages and the nation of Avarielvor, the nation of the avariel elves, decided to act jointly to destroy the threat of Tarm once and for all. Using advanced magicks and calling forth a kaiju called the Black Death, they destroy the isthmus entirely, separating Tarm and Grankkan completely. The Y’Scun monastery rededicated its purpose to protecting the descendants of the Warrior and eliminating all trace of Tarman influence from Grankkan, and the rest of the known world.

Ruling Entity: Lord Ban

Items of Interest: 

Foreign Policy: 

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