Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Sayer in the Dark

Nobody knows who the Sayer in the Dark used to be. He was a Keeper from MistHouse Arrona who dug down into the superior human philosophy and founded the Dark Speaker cult in Erthasa. After much time he led the evacuation of the Keepers and founded Egremont, and influenced the three MistHouses that followed him to elect him the ruler. He has since continued to delve into his mysterious patron’s effluence, corrupting his form while he attains more power until he is now more monstrous abomination than mortal. He is rarely seen in person anymore but has his directives sent to the other Keepers via demonic allies. It is rare that he overrules them, however, and so the three Keepers usually run the country however they feel like.

The Sayer in the Dark is the one who negotiated the treaty with Keppli, and it has been rumored that she has gained control over his patron, and thus over him. It’s unknown if this is true, but it is a fact that ever since the Eternal Day, more undead have taken control of the unclaimed territories.

Stats: Corrupted human; warlock (pact of the mind), Lvl22

Physical Description: 8’8”, 385lbs, no hair, crimson skin, glowing orange eyes, Age 96