Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Proteus, The Oceanking

Basic Information


Lawful Neutral




  • Manannan mac Lir
  • Wind
  • The Son of the Sea
  • Father of the Waves


Green / White


ocean, storms, water, SeaFort, seafarers, mern



Proteus has an undersea palace in the Sea of Worlds in the Plane of Water. He rules here with the emperor of the marids.


three wavy horizontal lines


The Answerer (trident)


all sea creatures


darfellan, hippocampus, bronze dragons, storm giants


blue, white

Distinctive Characteristics

Personality: The deity of the sea is a knowledgeable custodian of the oceans. Proteus is the master of weather and climate as well. He has great respect for those mortals who can master the seas but has no pity for those who fail and drown within them. He also has little tolerance for anything not of his domain, which includes land-dwellers. He is the patron of SeaFort, and has much affection for his island nation.

History: Proteus is an aloof deity simply because of his portfolio, as most of the other deities avoid the Great Sea. Thus, he tends to hold his few friends and allies close. It is due to his influence that the battle-mage Eldorath decided to lead his people into the sea itself and start the process of evolving underwater, based on the merfolk. Although the undersea kingdoms of Agadar and Hyannus are semi-friendly rivals with SeaFort, Proteus considers them all his children.

Description: The Oceanking manifests himself as a bearded merman with broad shoulders and a muscular bare chest. He usually has on a battered iron warcrown that’s nothing more than a band, with three blue gems fixed to the front. He always has his golden trident in hand.



Allies: The Allin pantheon, Stronmaus, Deep Sashelas, Yondalla, Sheela Peryroyl, Persana

Opponents/Rivals: Killestra, Cegilune, Ilneval, Kurtulmak, Bach, Panzuriel, Shothotugg, Sess’innek

Relationships: Strangely enough, Proteus has recently been courting Sheela Peryroyl, believing the Green Sister to be an exceptional ally and a good match. To this end, he has taken the pooka under his wing in his bid for her affection.

Proteus has a special enmity for Shothotugg, the patron of the aboleth, and for Panzuriel the Enslaver. The two are the force behind the Gnupelas-Yra Empire. In resisting the empire’s influence, he occasionally works with Persana, but these alliances are brief and temporary, as the triton deity does not usually ask for outside help. He is more likely to ally with Deep Sashelas on these occasions.

The Church

Guild of Waves

Dogma: Strength is important, and knowledge is important, and you must combine these traits to gain mastery of your craft. As chaotic and unruly my seas are, you must impose a limited order on them, in the form of the great ships that patrol the ocean. I have no sympathy for those who are ignorant of the ways of the seas and die in them. I am Life. I bring the rain and the sun, and I can withhold it at will. Someone must be there to appease me, and you are it. However, if you succeed at your job, you will be rewarded.

Core Worshippers: Mern, merfolk, seafarers, citizens of SeaFort (Vivani)

Clerical Alignments: LN, LG, NG, N, LE

Clergy Titles/Structure: Proteus’s clerics are called stormbringers. They consider themselves the first line of defense against encroachment from the mainland and the Kraken Empire.

Titles for the stormbringers include the Guppies (yellow sash on sea-green vestments), the Seapilots (red sash over sea-green armor), the Navigators (blue sash), Ocean Elders (green sash with blue wave motif), and the Commander of Storms (tattoo of holy symbol over right eye).

Clergy Special Duties & Restrictions: Stormbringers are pledged to protect the seas and its creatures. They must help Proteus’ chosen peoples to rule the ocean and to safeguard SeaFort against the encroaching influence of the Kraken Empire. Stormbringers are encouraged not to use any weapon that deals bludgeoning damage. Every ship that sails from SeaFort is required to have a stormbringer on board.

Clergy Special Power: Stormbringers gain a swimming speed equal to half their walking speed.

Holy Days: Sacrifices of the Fall (last week of Lastfall), when the stormbringers take the accumulated trove of magical items the Guild of Waves have acquired and throw them into various parts of the ocean, offering them in sacrifice to the Oceanking. The stormbringers believe the more precious the item the more precious the sacrifice.

Chosen: Alenil Conea. Aura of Impervious (cold, fire). Xenoglossy anomaly. Boon of the Stormborn.