Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Pin, the Lady of Glass

Ah, Pin. She had so much potential. But her greed overcame her good sense, and she ended up betraying all that she came to the Tower to accomplish. I was sorry to banish her. And in the times to come, I was more sorry I did not end her life.

Krim, after the infiltration of the Tower

A former apprentice of Krim’s, she was thrown out of the Ebon Tower because of her power-hungry ways. Specifically, she started stealing spells from Krim’s spellbooks. She later returned, infiltrated the Ebon Tower on the eve of the first meeting of the Julien Congress in an attempt to sabotage it. She did this at the behest of her new infernal patron, Ravonus, the patron of the Seventh Council. She was unsuccessful and was captured. She disappeared from captivity and is rumored to still be at large, working for the Seventh Council.

Stats: Light hafling; wizard/warlock Lvl 15