Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Ogden Faithfulrest

A warrior with a heart of gold and a mouth of brass. The swirling of destinies around this hero has long been a source of fascination for me, as well as his companions. When he steps in, the cogs of fate shift. I am curious where his path will lead to. I see threads of shadows and the downfall of the Keepers in his destination.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

Ugh. That insufferable man. He continues to be a source of irritation. What has he done now? Excuse me, do not speak badly of him, you do not know what great feats he has accomplished in his life. The dolt.

Uta Salacious to her steward

Part of the original party, Ogden Faithfulrest left his home of Fumlen, Worshal intent on making his mark on the world. He had served in the military for two years and was already an accomplished fighter. He joined a mercenary group traveling through Corte, but ran afoul of a group of undead commanded by a necromancer in training, Keppli. It was only by the intervention of Aldro Shieldcrusher that they managed to hold them off. Afterward, the pair struck a friendship and traveled together. They met Uta Salacious running away from home, and invited her to join. Although Ogden had designs early on wooing the elf, he was more impressed with her character and they became friends as well.

After several years of adventuring, Ogden got word in 6952 e.c. that his old enemy Keppli had established a power base in the Haunted Wood. He convinced the group to attack. Although she got away in the end, they were able to raid her castle and personal laboratory. Ever since then she has had a severe enmity for the group and especially for Uta, who took her spellbooks.

Eventually, the group split ways after decades of adventuring and settled down to their own pursuits. Ogden, reluctant to return to Worshal and join the military as his entire family had, settled in Karam. He had amassed a fortune in wealth and magic items and followers by then, so he petitioned for and received permission to buy land. He has a castle and a dozen acres of land, with several farms and hundreds of citizens. It’s situated on the border of the republic neighboring Camstill and Pelham. His men-at-arms are part of the local border patrol, and he takes a personal hand in the defense of the country when necessary, such as during the Eternal Day when his castle served as a refuge and his small army became a rallying point against Mazone invasion. He was appointed an honorary position as Lord Commander of the Trade Guard. He can be frequently seen patrolling on the back of his griffin mount, Alexis.

Ogden keeps in close contact with the former members of his group, but makes sure to keep special tabs on the betrayer Ulric. He only recently learned that Ulric is alive again and has sent out scouts to find his whereabouts so that he can kill him again. He has also broached the idea of one last invasion of the Haunted Wood to Uta and Aldro. Both have been amenable to the idea but are otherwise occupied.

3.5 Stats: Human; Fighter/legendary leader, Lvl 16

Physical Description: 6’6″, 268lbs, dark brown hair, tan skin, hazel eyes, Age 42