Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Name: Melchizzan
Established: 4549 e.c.
Government Type: federal theocracy
Capital City: Melchizzan
Nationality: Sharaak
National Language: Darktongue (Pyrfic)
Census: Population – 34,000 ; People per sq mi – 3.76

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Uncommon (sharaak, gloaming)87.6% (29,800)
Human (calim, kith)6.8% (2,300)
Gnome (kitunashi)3.5% (1,200)
Rare (genasi, cansin)1.6% (530)
Halfling (light, skylark)0.5% (170)

Area (sq mi): 9,032
Environment: grassland and prairies, rolling wooded hills
History: The flying city of the sharaak. In 4557 e.c., the existence of the sharaak was revealed during the Coming of the Shadow, when they breached the boundary between the Shadowfell and the Material Plane and attacked with their flying city. The Athenon Empire’s master wizards were able to beat them back and enforce the boundary.  In 5179 e.c., during the Night of Horror, many sharaak escaped into Dakaron, fleeing their Queen’s rule. They went into hiding in various spots around the continent, places that would conceal their true nature. Their descendants become alarmed when their brethren returned in 6979…the flying city appeared over the Wastelands, but there is no other activity. The hidden sharaak took the opportunity to start sending envoys to the city, seeking asylum. During the Eternal Day, the sharaak of the city sought to play both sides of the various conflicts by trying to help Tindel against the forces of General Blight while also sending spies and assassins to steal information about the various powerful characters round the world. In 7SR, they finally start to move the city, seeking to find a place to settle down in while they communicate and negotiate with the various large organizations surrounding them. It is still believed all sharaak serve the Raven Queen in some way, and thus nobody is entirely at ease around them.

Ruling Entity: The Raven Queen

Items of Interest: The sharaak don’t know how the flying city is able to fly. Their wizards were given the ability to move it and to command the shadow legions embedded in the stone, no more. Their mistress does not trust them, and it may be with reason.

Foreign Policy: The Gizza (priest rulers) of the city have sent out communications and emissaries to most of the major countries and organizations around them, trying to find an ally. So far, only Karam has responded tentatively affirmative.

Associated Organizations: The Trade Council

Creation Information

Regional Backgrounds – Acolyte, Athlete, Charlatan, City Watch, Criminal, Entertainer, Gladiator, Noble, Sage, Soldier, Spy, Urchin

Regional Feats – Aftersight, Arboreal, Arcane Schooling, Arcane Ward, Blooded, Cosmopolitan, Divine Distrust, Fiendsign, Forceful Magic, In the Shadow of Death, Lore of the Umbral, Natural Distrust, Natural Immunity (Cold, Energy Drain), Shadow Balm, Swift and Silent

Languages – Common, Darktongue, Infernal