Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Mandroch Ias

I know of the unhallowed in general. They are a minor irritation, an indication of the deities attempting to overreach into our world. Just like the archfey and their elven minions and the dragons and their manipulations. I do not know of this one specifically, but I know Lord Quoro is not the primary force behind his existence as he believes.

One of these days I will have to confront these “gods” and let them know their interference is not welcome here.

excerpts from Krim’s notes

The Unhallowed pose an interesting dilemna. Why are they here? What is the secret agenda behind their deities’ motives? And how can they possibly integrate into society? It is a fascinating experiment to watch.

The Beggar King

Once a fearsome foe in the arenas and in the guild halls, Mandroch made the mistake of challenging Lord Captain Quoro to a duel over some imagined slight. Though the duel was long and arduous, Lord Quoro defeated the arrogant whipmaster and claimed his head as penance. Mandroch lay in his unmarked grave for centuries before being raised up to fight once more, by none other than Lord Quoro. Mandroch despises what he has become and will gleefully attack all clerics on sight, hoping for one powerful enough to send him to oblivion. He has managed to make friends, like Mala Radul, and travels with them. He seeks to lose the Unhallowed knight’s control over him, not knowing that the knight has no control over him and it is actually Lord Belenus who allowed him to rise to life again. Because of Lord Quoro’s use of magic, Mandroch rose as an Unhallowed as well, much to the Knight’s chagrin. He has distanced himself from the lasher and avoids him whenever he can help it.

3.5 Stats: Human/Unhallowed; Fighter/Rogue/Lasher Lvl6/3/3
Physical Description: 5′9″, 108lbs, completely bald, pallid sickly skin, burning red eyes, Age 1048/39