Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Name: Heart of the Ainí, Johara
Government Type: matriarchal magocracy/theocracy
Capital City: Huma
Nationality: Kulthum (Daughter of the Ainí)
National Language: Calim (Elysian)
Currency: fulgor
Census: Population – 698,000 ; People per sq mi – 40.3

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Human (calim, basamortua, human) 34.8% (242,800)
Uncommon (elfling, aasimar, tiefling)27.6% (192,650)
Elf (noble, grey)16.1% (112,300)
Gnome (earth)11.3% (78,825)
Dwarf (mountain, desert)8.2% (57,150)
Halfling (light)1.7% (11,715)
Rare (genasi, hengeyokai)0.3% (2,560)

Area (sq mi): 17,320
History: Johara is the resting place of the Khadijah; the First of the Ainí, who rules the people from the Grand Hall, a cenobium where the Kulthum sisterhood resides. Johara is governed by the Kulthum priestesses who are the acting leaders of their people; part spellweaver, part healer, part teacher, part justice. The Kulthum and their priestesses worship the Ainí, the Source of all Life and Light. While they are not actively evangelical, the sisterhood does encourage zeal and faithful living, respecting others’ beliefs as long as the Ainí is paid respect as well. The Kulthum sisterhood is known to infiltrate and creep into many courts, cultures, and organizations across the Southron Desert and even in some northern countries; not to convert, but to ensure the safety of the people (meaning the Kulthum and their converted).

Ruling Entity: the Khadijah, the First of the Ainí

Items of Interest: Nobody knows how or why, but the Sisterhood has a longtime pledge to eradicate the world of the vishay, believing them to be abominations.

Foreign Policy: The Khadijah has allowed open trade policies to exist between the individual countries of the Calim Estates and Pheronor, but has strict protocols in place for any other country interested in doing business nationally. All of the Calim Estates has a strong military alliance with each other, and while they respect the basamortua tribes of the desert and Pheronor, they will not interfere with any altercations between other countries.

Associated Organizations:

Creation Information

Regional Backgrounds: Acolyte, Caravan Specialist, Charlatan, City Watch, Criminal, Desert Nomad, Faction Agent, Farmer, Fisher, Folk Hero, Hermit, House Agent, House Merchant, Knight of the Order, Outlander, Royal Herald, Sage, Spy, Syndicate Operative

Regional Feats: Aboriginal (Desert, Hills), Aftersight, Artistry, Beastsign, Calim Elementalist, Discipline, Divine Schooling, Education, Fearless, Foe Hunter (vishay), Genie Lore, Great Fervor, Missionary Training, Mind Blind, Puerduran Canon, Regional Acumen, Student of Racial Lore

Languages: Calim, Pheron, one primordial language of character’s choice