Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Banner of Fors

Name: Fors
Established: 6884 e.c.
Government Type: constitutional monarchy
Capital City: Kendal
Nationality: Forsian
National Language: Forsian (Dethek)
Currency: crownback, ironsides
Census: Population – 1,550,000 ; People per sq mi – 65

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Uncommon (elfling, stern, aasimar, tiefling)78.5% (1,216,750)
Elf (noble, sparks, grey)13.6% (210,800)
Gnome (earth, whisper)4.3% (66,650)
Dwarf (mountain)1.5% (23,000)
Rare (genasi, axani, cansin)1.1% (17,050)
Halfling (light, spirit)0.8% (12,650)
Human (human)0.2% (3,100)

Area (sq mi): 23,815
Environment: flat plains, temperate/tropical
History: Racial tensions in the kingdoms of the Great Empire were high, especially in Corte and Latham. It was worse for half-breeds and demihumans that did not have a place to call home. In 6884 e.c., several years after the Bombing of Mountainhome, these groups rallied together and petitioned the King of Corte to set aside a portion of land for them to make a home. In exchange for this, the King negotiated a treaty of alliance with a focus on trade and military aid.  Thus Fors was established. Not content to simply live apart in theory, the Forsians spent close to fifty years in construction, until they finished the Wall. The Wall, at over 100 feet high and 50 feet thick, encompasses the entire country and forms its border and is rumored to have a massotime core. With the spreading of the swamps in the north and the woods to the south, they controlled all trade from the eastern edge of Corte.

Ruling Entity: The Cabinet

Items of Interest: Manning the tops of the Wall are giant statues with bows, archer golems that are only found here. These creatures are semi-sentient and are the first line of defense. They are fully capable of holding off an army on their own before the Forsian army of archers comes into play.

Foreign Policy: The Forsians are isolationistic and strive to avoid interaction with the outside world whenever possible. They stay out of politics, establish no embassies, and are only allied to Corte and Worshal, with whom they have military contracts. Because of the abundance of elven blood and lumber in their realm, they became known as renowned archers and woodworkers…thus they also have trade contracts with individual guild and tradehouses that deal in woodworking.

Associated Organizations: Verdant Strands, Conclave of Storms, Clan of the Dancing Eye, the Shadow Auction

Creation Information

Regional Backgrounds: Athlete, Caravan Specialist, City Watch, Criminal, Faction Agent, Farmer, Fisher, Former Slave, House Agent, House Merchant, Knight of the Order, Noble, Royal Herald, Sage, Soldier, Spy, Syndicate Operative, Urchin, Twilight Anachronism

Regional Feats: Aboriginal (Forest, Mountain), Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Discipline, Fearless, Mountain Born, Regional Acumen, Wildspeak

Languages: Forsian, Elven, Dwarf