Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Urdlen, the Crawler Below

Alignment: CE

Primal Energy: Blue/Black

Portfolio: greed, bloodlust, blind destruction, uncontrolled impulses

Domains: Darkness, Destruction, Earth, Madness

Symbol: white mole

Favored Weapon: claw bracer

Brief Description: Urdlen crushes life without regard. There is nothing it does not want to spoil or destroy. The Crawler Below is a genderless, half-mad, blindly destructive impulse. No one can predict where it will strike next or what its plans are to further the cause of evil. The nature of its plans to bring evil into other hearts of gnomes is not understood even by the other gnome deities. It is said that Urdlen lusts for precious metals, jewels, and the blood of any humanoid. Urdlen hates all other gnome deities with a passion, especially its former acolyte Roykyn, and it has garnered the enmity of the majority of the Nan and Chikapatcha pantheons as well. Some evil deities have attempted to reach out to the Crawler Below in an attempt to twist its power to their own devices, such as Xoac, Memnor, and Baphomet, but Urdlen does not seem to be a proponent nor a supporter of alliances. There are many who believe that Urdlen is actually Interitus in another guise, seeking to corrupt and destroy mortal creatures from another angle.

Avatar: Urdlen manifests as an enormous blind mole.

Dogma: Succumb to the bloodlust. Hate, covet, crush, despoil, and kill. Revel and exult in orgies of death and destruction. That which is living or created by life must be murdered or destroyed. The strong survive and the weak are their cattle. Propitiate the Crawler Below so it does not come for you.

Clergy Title and Special Duties: The church of Urdlen is secretive in the extreme, a murderous cult within the communities it infiltrates or a lurking threat outside the margins of society. From their subterranean warrens, Urdlen’s clerics wage an unending war on earth gnome communities, particularly the clergies of the other gnome deities. When not hunting other creatures, members of the clergy work to steal objects of value, particularly gems and priceless works of art, and then destroy or deface them. Urdlen’s clerics wear white cloaks.

Special Restrictions: Clerics of Urdlen pray for their spells at midnight, when the world is buried in darkness. In a regular ritual known as the Feeding, Urdlen’s clerics appease their deity by pouring the blood of the creatures they kill into the ground and burying it. Jewels and valuable metal goods are also sacrificed to him by ruining them (breaking, tarnishing, melting) and then burying them.

Major Holy Days: 


Realm: Urdlen’s realm is the Worm Realm, located on the 399th layer of the Abyss. There, Urdlen tunnels through the ground, completely unconcerned with his petitioners, who dig in the tunnels he leaves behind. The petitioners, mostly evil gnomes, have no society whatsoever; they simply pursue their own greed in the ore-rich earth.