Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


This creature has been a thorn in the collective sides of the good factions of the world since his appearance three centuries ago. Not satisfied with staying in the light, he corrupts, manipulates, and taints from the shadows. He is known by many names across the Land, but his influence is always the same.

Sometime before the Eternal Day, he gathered a group of dissidents and misfits of society and formed them into a rogue’s guild called the Five Dragons. With himself as the secretive head, he directed their efforts at destabilizing Karn structure and fomenting anarchy. Two of the Dragons are gone (one with a bounty on her head), but they are still at work building their power back up.

During the Eternal Day, he allied himself with Arcum. He has used the power Arcum gave him to put turncoats and double agents in nearly every clandestine group across the land. It was due to his influence with the black unicorn tribe that he was able to subdue the Tilven guardian Aviion and deliver her to Arcum.

long, pointed tail; large batlike wings; fiery red eyes – uses the symbol of a black trident superimposed on a blood red moon

3.5 Stats: Fey’ri; Rogue/Sorcerer Lvl13

Physical Description: 6’11”, 283lbs, long black hair, fiery red skin, pale red eyes, Age 368