Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Tomas Algerin

Tomas Algerin is an ambitious man who has few ethical boundaries. He has a long history with very many individuals, seeing as he was the face of the Circle of Iron for many years. That’s not a good thing, for many of them want to kill him. He is an arrogant man and is a classic overstepper. I don’t foresee he will be much of a risk.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

The Verdant Strands have much to discuss with this “Captain” Algerin.


Captain Tomas Algerin was born to the servants of elven nobles in Fors. Though his parents understood his love of archery, they were sometimes confused by his obsessive love of hunting. They never watched him hunt, however, leaving him free to explore the curiosities of the inside of animals’ bodies. As he grew older, Tomas kept his hunting skills honed, leading to more and more kills. Once old enough, he was able to join the Forsian military. There he found that he was a natural with the bow, and became one of the best archers on the Wall. Not content with just that, however, he started hunting down bounties and every exotic animal and monster he could find. This was against the law, and he was subsequently found out, stripped of his rank, and discharged.

He has since hunted nearly every creature and monster in the world, and was regarding a lifetime of boredom when he was introduced to the Circle of Iron. He quickly soared through the ranks, and was able to form his own hunting group. After that, he started culling individuals from the ranks of slaves, training them himself so he can enjoy the hunt once again. His lifelong dream? To eventually hunt down and kill the tarrasque.

During the Eternal Day the Circle of Iron was decimated during several encounters with the group formed by Conrad, Istari, Lazarus, and Vanos. There was also some trouble with the Shadow Auction, the Circle’s primary benefactor, and so Captain Algerin left the Circle to hunt down several high-level bounties he had come across, including Grinning Eyes and Drusila. Unfortunately, he found the druidess and almost didn’t survive the encounter, barely escaping with his life.

His whereabouts and activities during the Eternal Day are unknown. In the aftermath, he has gathered together a group of ex Forsian military to form a paramilitary group. He is currently seeking the archer known as Nave to either recruit or eliminate as competition. He is also trying to hunt down information about the long-missing Horn of Summons, an artifact rumored to be able to summon the tarrasque. And he is frantically trying to make sure that Drusila never knows where he is, constantly moving and changing his location.

3.5 Stats: Human; Fighter/archer ranger, Lvl 10

Physical Description: 7’2″, 212lbs, black hair, deeply tanned skin, yellow eyes, Age 33