Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

The Ruins of Sacrige

Description: Sacrige was the capital of Latham and the last bastion of Holish resistance to the Mazone invasion. The site of the Last Stand of the Puerduran Church and specifically the Knights and Inquisitors of the Church, their deaths and the mass deaths of their wards unleashed a wave of undeath that consumed the invaders and has cursed the area years after. In the wake of this, Sir Dulfishak has taken control of the region and raised a death knight company.

Regions Affected: Maza

Regional Effects: The region around the ruin is warped by the necrotic energies, which creates multiple effects:

  • Food instantly molders and water instantly evaporates when brought into the ruins. Nonmagical drinks are spoiled. Holy water loses its purity and becomes regular water.
  • Plant life dies and their stems and branches become twisted and thorny.
  • Shadows cast within 1 mile of the ruins seem abnormally gaunt and sometimes move as though alive.
  • Every day spent within the ruins the characters takes 1d6 points of necrotic damage.
  • Such an aura of evil pervades the ruins that certain magics are warped. Any spell that provides healing or grants temporary healing instead deal that much necrotic damage.
  • Potions of healing turn to water after one day in the ruins.
  • The region within 1 mile around the ruin and the ruins themselves are considered desecrated ground. Undead receive advantage on all saving throws.
  • Anybody who dies within the area rises one day later as either a skeleton or a zombie.

Attunement: The character must survive the effects of the ruins for two weeks. This allows the character to tap the energy of the Negative Energy plane to augment his or her own abilities…once per day, the character can choose to use a number of the following effects, up to the character’s proficiency bonus (selected at the beginning of the day):

  • can ignore all regional effects at will
  • gain resistance to necrotic damage as a necromancer of the character’s level
  • cast inflict wounds as a spellcaster of the character’s level
  • if the character is a spellcaster, he or she can choose to replace the damage type of any one spell cast this day with necrotic.

The character does not lose attunement once he or she leaves the area of the city. Attunement slowly fades away…for every day spent inside the ruins, the character stays attuned to it for one day, regardless of distance.