Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

The Planetary Scholarship

Description: The Planetary Scholarship is a renowned monastery known throughout the Land as a font of knowledge about the universe. It is here that the belief of the Land once being One Land originated in the human and halfling lands. These scholars and sages acquired this knowledge from studying elven works of art and ancient tomes. Many also have started to advance the theory that the Land is the body of the Immortal given physical form, and thus the possibility always exists of the Immortal of Matter somehow being woken up and taking back its gift of life and intelligence. In reality, their secret mission is to have that outcome, believing that only when the Immortal of Matter awakens will the balance of good and evil in the multiverse finally stabilize, with the Immortal of Space being beaten back to oblivion. They are more than willing to sacrifice anything to achieve this goal, including the destruction of all life on Dakaron, as long as the Immortal of Matter wins.

Alignment: NE

Symbol: An open book bound in red leather spread open on a disk.

Guild Structure: The scholars, sages, and monks of the Planetary Scholarship have different roles depending on their primary focus within the organization. The Red Scribes, the three leaders of the three groups, rule the various monasteries in a rigid hierarchal system, where only the most knowledgeable with tenure gain power and prestige. The Tellurian is the overseer/judge/facilitator of the entire organization, traveling between monasteries to ensure edicts and studies are being enforced and advanced. Only he or she can elevate a scholar, sage, or monk to a Red Scribe. Scholars are focused on intense experiments and studies that advance their knowledge of the Norakad crystal sphere and the relationships between the planetary bodies. Monks explore the world to find artifacts and written works that relate more to the knowledge of past academics, like the Eldar, and bring it to the building. The sages bring the findings of the two groups together to form the timeline and big picture of the world, to find the solution to their mission.

Guild Control: The Planetary Scholarship advances itself within major cities and countries as a center for learning, and typically has governmental protection.

Guild Activities: Only one monastery operates within any given area, usually a major city or trade crossing. The sages serve as advisors to Houses and government entities, and as the face of the organization. The scholars teach classes and identify magic items brought to them. The monks sometimes hire themselves out as enforcers and bodyguards on temporary contracts, with an emphasis on traveling to far-off places to explore.

Guild Security: The monastery itself is protected by the monks physically, and is magically shielded by proprietary items used by the scholars.

Guild Base: The first Planetary Scholarship monastery is believed to be located somewhere in the northern domain of Worshal. It was buried in an earthquake and was no longer accessible to the public at large. The truth is that the Tellurian of the time used an Eldar artifact to sink the building into the earth.

Guild Area of Influence: At present, the Planetary Scholarship has monasteries in Karam, Corte, Worshal, Pelham, Maza, Pheronor, Erthasa, and Johara.


Opponents/Rivals: The Living Library, Golon Aste, Krim, witches,

Distinctive characteristics: