Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Stryder Suenso

Considering his lineage, Stryder is almost unnaturally goodhearted. He is pure. And I am obviously not the only one who sees it, as he is friends with so many that should not even acknowledge him. Drusila considers him an equal, shocking, and he has the respect of his mother, Crystallyn. He has the ear of the Trade Council, and the consideration of the Three Sisters. It is fascinating to see the effect he has on others. I quite enjoy seeing it.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

You are the man your father was. I am incredibly proud of you. Go, my special son. Go find your brother. I promise you that you will not be alone in your quest. But you must be careful. He is not who you think he is.

Elayne Suenso to Stryder, on discovering his intention to find his twin brother.

Stryder grew up an orphan in an orphanage in Stallenford. Growing up was tough at first, however, he came to cope with the fact that his parents had given him up. Lara, one of the nurses, always assured him that his parents must have had good reason… “Why else would a mother give up her child?” she would say.

While growing up Stryder made friends in the orphanage, however, he became very close with two of his fellow orphans: Johnny and Bartok Stonehammer. Together they played together while young, but when they began to grow older they went “adventuring” and “exploring”. A while passed and a few began to notice their somewhat blessed “abilities”. Bartok was noticed by a local cleric of Thor, and began to train with him in battle, and was taught the ways of the church. Stryder was noticed by a ranger who was a skeptic of the ways of the city. Duncan taught Stryder the ways of nature and helped him hone in on his ambidexterity by using dual swords.

Before the three left, Lara pulled Stryder aside to reveal to him a package left for him by his birth mother. It turned out she had left Stryder with the orphanage with regrets, but it had to be for reasons unmentionable. Also within the note was his true name: Lord Stryder Suenso, son of Logan Suenso, and a signet ring with his house seal on it. Stryder took the note and the ring, and left the orphanage forever.

For many years he and Bartok and their allies adventured together, fighting evil and searching for their roots. Their many adventures started to paint them in a heroic light, and so were tricked into service with the Three Sisters. They were sent back to Stallenford and got involved in a plot to uncover the superspy known as Crystallyn. Once found, she revealed the Three Sisters’ true identities and motives, and they immediately teamed up. Stryder was especially enthralled with the beautiful older woman, and the two began a romantic relationship. He continued to help her in her battle with the Three Sisters, along with her devoted bodyguard Lu. With their help, she managed to take control of the Watchers entirely shortly before the Eternal Day, granting her access to the city’s darkest secrets. Thus she learned about the Dark Speakers’ plan to attack the city on a weyr of green dragons, and more specifically, that the Three Sisters were their agents. They rallied the street gangs and thieves guilds to her cause and organized defense on the street while Stryder warned his friend Bartok Stonehammer so that he could mount a military defense.

During the attack, Lu and Stryder are made aware that the Three Sisters had made a special deal and no less than six green dragons attacked Crystallyn’s secret headquarters beneath the Trade Council building. The two of them fought the dragons to a standstill on the roof of the building until the Mage’s Order was able to pull the monsters away.

After the chaos subsided the Trade Council convened a conference to decide on matters. Stryder was venerated as a national hero and his legacy and House granted to him on Karn charter. House Suenso became Guildhouse Suenso, and he was given an honorary seat on the Trade Council.

Using his newfound prestige and political reach, Stryder was finally able to locate his father’s corpse and find out what had happened to him over twenty years ago. With the body of the love of her life in front of her, Elayne finally revealed to Stryder the complete truth: she was actually his mother. Being Gran, it was not a taboo for her. At first disgusted and ashamed, Stryder gradually accepted what had happened and determined to be better than his father. They preserved his body as best as they could and encrypted it in an ornate mausoleum on the grounds of the newly built Guildhouse mansion.

Currently, Stryder is still seeking several things. His mother revealed that she had actually given birth to twins, but the other boy was taken away by the vampire lord, so he has determined to find his long-lost twin brother. And he wants to build Guildhouse Suenso into a major power his father would be proud of.

3.5 Stats: Human; Ranger Lvl9

Physical Description: 5’11”, 175lbs, brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, Age 53