Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Skadi, the Lady of the Mountains

Alignment: CN

Primal Energy: 

Portfolio: mountains, earth, peaks

Domains: Cold, Earth, Strength

Symbol: a mountain peak

Favored Weapon: greataxe

Brief Description: Skadi is the former mate of her half-brother Thrym, promised to him by Annan just as Hiatea was promised to Surtr. After putting up with his rampages for years, she finally decided that her halfsister was right, and left in the dead of winter, leaving him their mutual people of the frost giants and ascending the mountain peaks to keep away from all the Jacha. She has only rejoined the pantheon since the Eternal Day at Hiatea’s bequest because of the change in focus to nurturing the giants’ relationships with the other races.

Avatar: Skadi appears as a female frost giant of wild beauty and dressed in massive white furs. She freely wields a massive greataxe.


Clergy Title and Special Duties: 

Special Restrictions: 

Major Holy Days: 

