Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Sharkfolk are terrifying predators. Hunting mainly in murky waters, they stalk their prey thanks to their highly developed sense of smell before falling on them and tearing them apart with their mighty jaws. When they hunt or raid creatures of the surface, they usually attack at night. Each sharkfolk has its own technique; some approach their prey discreetly, swooping down on it by surprise. Some use brute force to immobilize their enemy in order to tear them apart with their jaws. And finally, some use spells from ancient tribal traditions to bend the ocean to their will to eliminate their target.

The sharkfolk live in small tribes in underwater caves. Their society is mainly organized around hunting. Indeed, by bringing back prestigious prey, a sharkfolk gains the respect of the tribe, thus climbing the social ranks. The sharkfolk are extremely suspicious of surface-dwellers and try to avoid being on land for too long.

Most sharkfolk tend to respect authority, especially authority gained and maintained by strength, and they are more than happy to serve a strong leader. Thus most sharkfolk encountered are part of a greater group, whether the Gnupelas-Yra Empire, the Troupe of Waves, or even just the Funnel Guard. They’ve also been spotted operating in the Tilven Forest with the Midlothian elves, and in the Shadow Continent, mostly along the coasts and in competition with the Kith. However, once they feel they are no longer being led by someone strong, they will turn on their leaders and find someone worthy to serve. In the meantime, they might decide that their former weak leader will better serve as lunch.


  • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score decreases by 1.
  • Age. Sharkfolk reach adulthood at the age of 20 and generally live around 300 years.
  • Alignment. Most sharkfolk are chaotic in nature, and because of their bloodlust, they tend to be evil.
  • Size. Sharkfolk are usually tall and sturdy, ranging anywhere between 7 to 10 feet tall and weighing around 400 pounds. Your size is Medium
  • Speed. You have a walking speed is 30 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
  • Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
  • Born of the Deep. Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, you have resistance to cold damage, and you ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.
  • Natural Weapon: Bite. Your jaws are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
  • Blood Affinity. When your target is in the water and you are using your jaws to attack, you have advantage on attack rolls against wounded creatures.
  • Blood Sensitivity. Wounded creatures have disadvantage when trying to Hide from you.
  • Feeding Frenzy. Your attack action with your bite deals 1d4 additional damage to creatures already bitten this combat. Once applied, you have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws for 5 minutes.
  • Racial Distrust. Not only do you look fearsome, but your race has a long history of being the footsoldiers of evil underwater empires. You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks when dealing with any aquatic race or any creature that comes from the Lands of the Seafolk, or any character with a Background of Sailor, Pirate, or Fisher.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.

Random Height and Weight

RaceBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Sharkfolk7’6″+3d6300 lb.x (2d4) lb.