Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Sand Shapers

Description: The sand shapers was once an ancient order of wizards who ruled a desert empire. They had mystical command of desert magic and took control of the heat in ways that to this day are unfathomable. It was even rumored they could control the Arraku. Their hubris caused their own ruin when they cast the ritual the Invoked Devastation, which awoke the Kith. Seeing an opportunity to expand their empire, they tricked the Kith into declaring war with the northern countries and they supported them. The combined might of the northern empires and the ancestors of the Basamortua brought down the empire, and to this day they are hunted and destroyed on sight.

They still exist, however in such secret cabals that they are paranoid about being seen together. They seek to raise their own empire once again; however, they have difficulty working together.

Guild Structure: The sand shapers retain their ancient rankings and use them to order their apprentices. What this ranking system is is still a mystery.

Guild Control: The sand shapers have no political power. They are reviled and hated everywhere in the southern countries. What little they can do they accomplish with brute force from their stinger minions or one of their servants.

Guild Activities: Sand shapers will use their stinger allies to waylay travelers and caravans that they can ensure will have no survivors.

Guild Security: A typical sand shaper has 1-3 apprentices with him who are sworn to defend him even at the cost of their own lives. They are the sand shaper’s eyes and ears.

Guild Base: In the central soft sands of the Southron Desert, north of the Shardsea and right off the mountains, is the Pyramid of the Sands. The ancient capital of the sand shaper, half destroyed, has been revitalized as the base for the sand shapers.

Guild Area of Influence: The sand shapers wander the desert, honing their magic and gathering the stinger clans into a cohesive force again, without revealing their presence to the Basamortua tribes.

Distinctive characteristics: Sand shapers have gone through rituals to transform themselves to obtain more power. They are typically covered in chitinous scales.