Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Runeswick Espinor

The Archdruid is a valuable ally, and even more valuable friend. I grieve that his purpose has been so obviously stymied in so many ways…I truly believe that his way will eventually be the best path for civilization to take. Regardless, as much as I miss our monthly meetings to catch up and play a round of chess, I cannot be a part of his objective.

excerpts from Krim’s notes.

There are not many people I would infallibly trust, but Runeswick is one of the few I could count on one hand. When his name is attached to anything, I pay attention, and I direct the rest of the Verdant Strands to follow.

Drusila, to Stryder during a conclave meeting.

The Archdruid of the Conclave of Storms. Unofficial ruler of the Island of Kings.

Stats: Elfling; Druid/elder druid, Lvl 18

Physical Description: 5’5″, 115lbs, charcoal hair, greenish-brown skin, yellow eyes, Age 74