Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Faction Type: Criminal

Description: In 6971 e.c. King Herol ascended the throne to find that he had inherited a viper’s den of intrigue in the royal court. He was determined to ferret out the corruption and collaborated with his contacts with the Order of Ibis. He approached his Lord Chamberlain to inquire about creating a new spy network beholden to the throne. What the new king did not know was that there was already a spy network in place, created centuries ago by Elidyr Nerihorn when the Athenon Empire was first birthed. The Lord Chamberlain, unsure how to proceed, put the matter to a vote by the leaders of the current group. They were divided on the issue, and eventually there was a split. Those nationalists who wanted imperial favor formed the new Royal Heralds, under the Lord Chamberlain and the king. Those who considered themselves above such interests rebranded themselves the Redcloaks. These considered the flow of information to be vital to the lifeblood of the world, and dedicated themselves to finding out all the secrets, political and otherwise, across the Land. And perhaps selling it.

Alignment: LN

Beliefs: Information must flow freely

Goals: To eliminate other traders in secrets and control the flow of information themselves, as intended by Elidyr Nerihorn, the founder and original spymaster.

Symbol: A red cloak with a hood

Guild Structure: The Redcloaks are governed by ladies of two AthenonHouses, Ashari Mercanyin and Elaradith Sedry. They cooperate fully to plan and sift and consolidate the vast network they have inherited from their predecessors. Most Redcloaks do not know their real identities, only the ones they present to their agents.

Guild Control: The Redcloaks are led by an AthenonHouse, and have significant influence within several Houses of every country, so they can exert any influence they need to, given the right impetus. However, they rarely use this power, and prefer to keep their presence invisible.

Guild Activities: 

  • Information –
  • Blackmail –

Guild Security: The Redcloaks swear fearsome oaths of secrecy and confidentiality, and brook no threat to their existence. If a risk of discovery ever surfaces, they inform the Spider, who is the guild enforcer. The Spider tracks down the threat and makes them disappear, along with all traces of whatever leak was starting to form.

Guild Base: The Redcloaks have a secret lair underneath the house of the leaders in New Eden, Corte. This also allows them access to the Crystal Palace when necessary.

Guild Area of Influence: The Redcloaks are everywhere. They have agents within every Athenon-, Guild-, Trade-, Order-, and Misthouse, and contacts within every major organization.

Allies: The Clan of the Dancing Eye, the Flying Scarves, the Three Sisters, the Living Library, Carroway Shipping Partners, the Argil Masquerade

Opponents/Rivals: The Shadowmind Guild, the Watchers, the Royal Heralds, the Order of Ibis

Distinctive characteristics: Redcloaks are expected to wear their signature redcloaks during meetings with each other, to ensure nobody knows who the other agents are. Other than that stipulation, no redcloaks knows who else could be an agent, or an agent’s contact.

Typical Quests: