Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Order of Corvus

Faction Type: Guard

Description: The Order of Corvus is a fighter’s guild of ill repute, considered to be the bottom of the barrel and extremely disreputable. Members thrive and build on that reputation, taking jobs thought to be too scandalous and dishonorable for a mercenary to take.

Alignment: CN

Beliefs: Win at any cost

Goals: The Order members just want to do whatever they want and take on all sorts of jobs, as long as they get paid.

Symbol: A black feather lined in red

Guild Structure: None. Jobs are first come first serve. Poaching is a constant threat. Most members form subgroups to ensure they get first dibs on juicy jobs. Their only semblance of guild unity is in the form of the chapterhouses, which also double as low-class inns, bawdy taverns, and vulgar brothels.

Guild Control: The Order of Corvus has no power in any country, city, territory. In fact, quite frequently, the local constabulary ends up putting most members in jails for disruptive behavior and public drunkenness.

Guild Activities: The guild is not organized enough to have specific rackets; rather, the chaotic nature of their members dictates that they dabble in everything.

Guild Security: Despite their reputation as scoundrels and rogues, most members can handle themselves in combat and a fight.

Guild Base: The Order maintains a multilevel warehouse in Draven, Fornrew, under the authority of the Sultan and Sultana.

Guild Area of Influence: The Order of Corvus has multiple cells that operate in secret or sometimes right out in the open in most northern territories, although they try to maintain a low profile. After the Eternal Day, they opened up several more avenues of commerce in new territories. At present, they can be located in various parts of Fornrew, as well as Karam, Grear, Sima, Falmut, Egremont, Erthasa, Icos, and Maza. It is rumored they also have a roving band of recruiters in the Carrion Fields.

Allies: The Dark Brotherhood, the Shadow Auction, the Circle of Iron, the Crescent Moon, the Seventh Council, the Umbra Collective, the Cabal

Opponents/Rivals: Twin Blades, Grim Axebrothers, DragonBlood, Order of Faith, Five Dragons

Distinctive characteristics: 

Typical Quests: