Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Luthic, the Cave Mother

Alignment: N

Primal Energy: White / Green

Portfolio: orcs, hearth, home, clan

Domains: Earth, Hearth, Life, Strength

Symbol: orcish rune for home

Favored Weapon: claw bracer

Brief Description: Luthic is the quiet bedrock on which the Thrugra pantheon sits. She has a strong affinity for the earth on which her enduring strength is built. Although hardly kind, she tends to the injured with brusque efficiency and is a steadfast proponent of the strength of the family unit. She is the rational grounding voice in Gruumsh‘s ear, at times the only one he will listen to, and has great influence in the clan structure of the orc empire. She is the primary deity whom most of the female orcs worship, and she proves that although the males are the head and strength of the clan, the females are the heart and voice of reason. She is the mother of Gruumsh‘s children, Sunnis, and Boornik, and has invited her own brethren to the hierarchy of the pantheon in Yurtrus.

Avatar: Luthic is described as a matronly orc with very long claws. She fights bare-handed, not because she cannot use a weapon, but because in her many duties as Cave Mother she frequently does not carry a weapon. She is usually calm when first approached, but has been known to display a vicious temper when not given respect.

Dogma: Life is sheltered within the earth from which it springs. Honor the wisdom of the Cave Mother, whose strength is the backbone of the horde and the root of valor in battle. Understand your position within the tribe and do your part to strengthen the tribe against all rivals. Endure all hardships.

Clergy Title and Special Duties: 

Special Restrictions: 

Major Holy Days: 

