Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Latham Insurgent

You are a survivor of the decimation of the Puerduran Church and the country of Latham. Maybe you were just a low-level clerk who believed in the divine power of your superiors, maybe you’re a disgraced guard who was forced to flee the chaos of that last stand, but whatever your beginnings, you prepare yourself every day to fight and possibly die for the sake of the overthrow of the Hierarchy of Maza and the corruption they spread. This puts you in deadly opposition to the established order.

For some, there is an endpoint at which they could set down their banner and live in peace. But for you, there is only the determination that the Church will live on, even if it is only in your heart. Many are hounded and hunted, firebrands who have made themselves wanted men and women. This is not the life for those who prefer to sleep in comfortable beds – revolutionaries spends many nights on the move or in hiding.

  • Skill Proficiencies Persuasion, Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies One artisan’s tools and either disguise kit or forgery kit
  • Equipment 3 vials of alchemist’s fire, a set of common clothes, a Puerduran book or pamphlet, a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Heart of Passion

Your passion for the cause helps you survive the most desperate circumstances and you have experience cautiously conveying that spark to someone else.

You are able to discern if person is sympathetic to your cause by asking several innocent-looking questions. Additionally, you can identify other former inhabitants of Latham.

There are people who give your arguments serious consideration. You can convince them to help you and your traveling companions by performing mundane tasks such as providing you a place to bed down, describing the local area or treating your wounds. Their hospitality will end if you have shown yourself to be a danger to them or have asked them to do something obviously dangerous.

d8Personality Trait
1I idolize a martyr for the cause, and any mention of them can stir me to action.
2No matter how hopeless the situation, I keep a cheerful and confident attitude.
3I plan to live fast and die young, so why not have another bottle of wine, maybe two?
4I present an embittered, sarcastic facade to the world, but my dedication never wavers.
5Anyone could be a spy or a Mazone sympathizer, so I keep secrets from everyone.
6A pretty face is all it takes to distract me from my revolutionary zeal.
7I disregard dire risks – this is just the life I have chosen.
8I always have an inspiring speech prepared for when my comrades falter.
1Greed: The revolution sounds great, but who says we can’t make some money on the side? (Evil)
2Peace: No matter how the Mazone persecute us, we must not be the first to offer violence. (Good)
3Independence: My own vision of the revolution is the only one I trust – I’ll rebel even against the leadership if they go astray. (Chaotic)
4People: My true devotion is to my friends; the rest of the revolution is incidental. (Neutral)
5Honor: No cause can end in honor if it begins in dishonor. (Lawful)
6Glory: Dying for a noble cause is a kind of immortality. (Any)
1I must build a better world for my spouse and children to live in.
2The revolution is my one chance to win fame, glory, and a better station in life.
3I fight to take down the corrupt Inquisitors that unjustly executed my parents.
4I can never allow an innocent to suffer without doing all I can to aid them.
5I want to follow in the footsteps of Aldro Shieldcrusher.
6A former friend betrayed the cause, and I must bring them to justice.
1I pounce on any sign of an ally’s weakening devotion to the cause.
2I use accusations to draw attention away from my own faults.
3I hold myself to unattainable moral standards.
4I blindly trust those who say the right words in support of my revolutionary cause.
5My hot temper is going to get me in real trouble someday.
6When things turn bad, the first to flee has the best chance to survive, and I am a survivor.