Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Land of Silk

Name: Mitaka-Shi, the Land of Silken Claws
Established: the Eldar Age
Government Type: feudal monarchy
Capital City: Rokudai
Nationality: Essil (Shi)
National Language: Essil (Draconic)
Currency: wen; pheron coin
Census: Population – 25,000,000 ; People per sq mi – 268.5

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Human (shi, calim)75.9% (18,975,000)
Uncommon (aasimar, shifter, tiefling)9.9% (2,475,000)
Dwarf (mountain)6.0% (1,500,000)
Elf (spark)5.1% (1,275,000)
Gnome (kitunashi)2.2% (555,000)
Halfling (spirit)0.5% (120,000)
Rare (genasi, hengeyokai, axani)0.4% (100,000)

Area (sq mi): 93,095
History: The shi are rumored to be the only civilized race not descended from or created by the Eldar. As different as their culture is from the rest of the world, it’s not hard to believe it. The people of Mitaka-Shi, or as it is called in the rest of the continent the Land of Silk, are ordered by a severe caste system, dictated by the family that one is born. Each family belongs to either a major or minor clan. Each minor clan serves a major clan, and every clan has a specialized purpose. The shi are more concerned with the good of the people and the country and have learned from birth that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. The nation is a land of brilliant colors, aged respect, and honor-bound formality.

Ruling Entity: Mikado-Shi, the Emperor of Us All

Items of Interest: The Essil take it as a matter of course that the Mikado-Shi has never changed, never aged, and is eternal. The reality is that it is a polymorphed gold dragon, the original founder of the Essil culture, created to serve it. The Mikado-Shi took servants from the Forest of Twilight and used the Eldar techniques to warp them, making them similar to but not exactly the same as the humans of the main continent.

This region uses the Honor ability score heavily. If a character does not have an Honor score, they can use their Charisma ability score instead.

Foreign Policy: The Essil normally do not interact with the rest of the world unless forced to, as in during the Eternal Day when Ward Cove forces invaded Icos and Ihaka and were on the verge of invading the Land of Silk. The Mantis and Tortoise families gained much honor by negotiating with the Calim Estates and Tula Radul, gaining the pirates of the Imperial Land and the Kulthum sisterhood as allies. It is the first time in known history that outsiders have been allowed into the sacred conferences of the shi. The Three Cities have been allowed to maintain a small port on the small island of Sadu, and a shi embassy has been established in Johara.

Associated Organizations: Tula Radul, Kulthum sisterhood,

Creation Information:

Backgrounds: Acolyte, Athlete, City Watch, Entertainer, Farmer, Fisher, Folk Hero, Gladiator, Hermit, Marine, Noble, Noble Knight, Sage, Sailor, Soldier, Spy, Urchin

Regional Feats: Aboriginal (Hills, Grassland), Aftersight, Arcane Schooling, Artistry, Discipline, Divine Schooling, Dragonsign, Education, Genie Lore, Gift of Tongues, Gold Dwarf Dweomersmith, Lays of the Eldar, Mind Over Body, Natural Schooling, Regional Acumen, Student of Racial Lore

Languages: Essil, Draconic, Calim, Elven