Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


The Eldar experimented with many different races, and one of their stranger results was the kitunashi. Intended as assistants to help the Eldar in their psionic experiments, they were deemed unsuccessful and locked away in a similar stasis as the Kith in the Swamps of Stitei. During the Eldar Wars, while the rest of the world fought Kith and sand shaper, the Wisol stumbled across the now revived sects of kitunashi and befriended them, taking them with them when they withdrew to the Valley of the Two Moons.

The kitunashi are a race of psychic gnomes, serene and cerebral, who believe in inner enlightenment. They are a peaceful, quiet people, primarily nocturnal. They are content to stay in their newfound home, assisting the Wisol preserve the psionic culture and learning more about the applications of the power of the mind. Thus, they leave the community to travel the world when they are young, in an effort to accumulate more knowledge and wisdom and bring it back for study. They do not have a sense of familial connection…instead, all children are raised equally by all the adults of the community regardless of parentage. They regard such considerations as strange and unusual and are always surprised to witness it first-hand in other races.

Kitunashi do tend to sort themselves into different alignments and personality types, this sorting becomes a sort of caste for them. The majority of the kitunashi are neutral, content to live life, meditate, and aspire to a placid but rewarding life of servitude. The kirisu are the few who embrace the chaotic lifestyle of the wanderer and adventurer, enjoying the randomness of life. The kroshi are the orderly caste, intent on advancing the gain of knowledge through intense research and study. Of the three, the kroshi and kirisu are the ones encountered the most out in the world. Other than their personality and alignment, however, there is no difference between the three castes.

The kitunashi are mostly bluish-grey, with some instances of yellow or green among their number. They make no distinction between themselves based on physical appearance or family, instead accepting all others as equals. Kitunashi eyes have no pupils and often glow a faint purple, gold, or blue. They are completely hairless…instead, protruding from the back of their heads are six to ten tentacles that are used as multisensory organs similar to tongues. These are used to help them identify their surroundings, and can often pass as hair.

The majority of these gnomes live in Grankkan and the Valley of the Two Moons. There are some remnants of all three left in the Swamps of Stitei, and a few kirisu and krosihi have accepted the hospitality of the sharaak and dwell in Melchizzan.


  • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1
  • Age. Kitunashi mature at the same rate humans do, but most are expected to spend their early life in study and meditation. They can live to almost 700 years.
  • Alignment. Kitunashi are most often neutral. The kroshi tend toward law are sages, researchers, and engineers. The kirisu tend toward chaos are wanderers, explorers, and innovators. There are no historical instances of an evil kitunashi.
  • Size. Kitunashi are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 25.
  • Blindsight. Due to the nature of your sensory tentacles, you have an awareness of your surroundings within 30 feet of you that is a combination of sight, smell, air pressure, and sound. Beyond this radius, your perception operates on normal sight and you are subject to any obstacles and impediments as normal. As long as any of your tentacles are free (uncovered), you are immune to the blinded condition, as they are capable of making up for your limited vision, within 30 feet. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell within 30 feet.
  • Sensory Overload. You cannot use your blindsight ability while deafened and unable to smell. You gain the deafened condition whenever you are subjected to an attack that deals acid or thunder damage, and you must make a save every round at the same DC to regain your senses. You gain the blinded condition permanently if you ever lose your tentacles.
  • Naturally Psionic. You have one point of psionic potential, which combines with any other psionic potential that you gain. This psionic potential is replenished when you finish a long rest.
  • Subraces. There are three castes of kitunashi found active in the world of Dakaron: the neutral kitunashi, the lawful kroshi, and the chaotic kirisu. Choose one of these subraces.
    • Kitunashi
      • The kitunashi comprise the majority of the race, overwhelmingly. They are the peaceful caretakers of the Valley and the Spring, content to be servitors to the Wisol. They appreciate the life they have been given by the humans and are exceedingly grateful for their new home and purpose. They have a strong desire to see that the works of the Eldar are demolished and their influence removed from history, and consider their service to be part of that ultimate goal. They consider the kroshi and kirisu deviations to the kitunashi lifestyle, but bear them no ill will, considering that mutation and evolution are parts of life.
      • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1 more.
      • Alignment. Kitunashi are very calm and quiet, taking a neutral alignment.
      • Caste Psionics. You know the friends talent as a psion of your level. You can spend 1 psionic potential to manifest the psyche shard power.
      • Meditation. You have a unique ability to calm your mind and body and reap the benefits. You may treat one short rest as a long rest. You can only use this ability once per day.
    • Kroshi
      • The kroshi are ambitious and driven, taking the approach that the art of the mind must be expanded and improved on. They continue their travels in an attempt to continue their research in real-world applications. They frequently get frustrated by their kitunashi brethren, but not nearly as much as with the kirisu, who don’t seem to take anything seriously. The kroshi tend to come off as very serious but passionate to other races.
      • Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
      • Caste Psionics. You know the mage hand talent as a psion of your level. You can spend 1 psionic potential to manifest the minor creation power.
      • Alignment. Kroshi are the ones who institute order to benefit from efficiency. Your alignment is lawful.
      • Analytical Mind. You are proficient in the Insight skill.
    • Kirisu
      • Kirisu are capricious, chaotic, and ultimately fun-loving. It is said among the kitunashi that the gnomes from this caste have interacted with the humans and halflings too much. These kitunashi have had their curiosity piqued by the wonders of the world, and want to experience all there is in life and the world. While they still share the common purpose to rid the world of Eldar taint and promote the growth of psionics, these goals can be attained while enjoying the second chance at life they have been given.
      • Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
      • Alignment. Kirisu firmly believe in taking life step by step. Your alignment is chaotic.
      • Caste Psionics. You know the minor illusion talent as a psion of your level. You can spend 1 psionic potential to manifest the link senses power.
      • Wandering Feet. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Gnome and one other language based on either the Terran alphabet or the Eldar alphabet.

Random Height and Weight

RaceBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Gnome, Kitunashi2’8″+2d630 lb.x (1d6) lb.