Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Kikanuti, Siren of the Sands

Alignment: NG

Primal Energy: Blue / Green

Portfolio: bhukas, desert, sands, survival

Domains: Air, Peace, Sun

Symbol: bird shaped clay pot

Favored Weapon: mace

Brief Description: Kikanuti is a deviation compared to the other goblinoid deities. She is peaceful and compassionate, one of the few truly good-aligned deities. She knows the struggle of harsh living conditions and nurtures and protects them from more savage races and against the harsh desert environment. She is tolerated by Maglubigek and Riccio only because of her loyalty and love for the goblins, and her constant push to strengthen them. She has been in constant talks with the gnome deities, especially, to allow the bhukas to integrate with the kitunashi and the Valley of the Two Moons.

Avatar: Kikanuti appears most frequently as a bhuka woman with braids of corn, dressed in a brightly painted tunic.


Clergy Title and Special Duties: 

Special Restrictions: 

Major Holy Days: 

