Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Jeni Spring

Description: The Wisol were the first experiments by the Eldar, an attempt to infuse the Eldar psionic nexus into human minds. The Eldar developed a laboratory here, isolated away from other Eldar, as it was not a universally approved practice. The laboratory was believed destroyed during the Eldar Dissension and lost to history. Centuries later, it was discovered that the Wisol had not only survived but so had the laboratory, as a corrupted spring deep underground. This spring allows the Wisol to not only keep their country surrounded by a miles-wide ward of protection but also allows them to propagate and continue their species. It is protected and guarded by the Wisol and the kitunashi, and few know of its existence, much less its whereabouts. This is due to the Compact of the Jeni, the true source of the phenomenon. It is a shield and a guard against the spring being misused by those who cannot handle its power. This compact was initiated by the Wisol and is maintained by their entire society.

Regions Affected: The Valley of the Two Moons

Regional Effects: The region around the spring is warped by the Eldar psionic nexus, which creates multiple effects:

  • If any character casts a spell within 1 mile of the valley, they must make a caster level check against their own save DC. On a failure, the spell is converted into an equivalent psionic power with appropriate displays.
  • All spells that cause psychic damage are maximized. This replacement is automatic and cannot be changed.
  • The nexus warps reality itself around the characters, causing them to slip in and out of reality involuntarily. At the start of any turn where the character must take an action, he or she rolls a d20 first. On a roll of 11 or higher, the character vanishes from the current plane of existence and appears in the ethereal plane. At the start of their next turn, they are returned to the plane they were on to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of the space they vanished from, in the direction of the nearest leyline. On a roll of 20, the character vanishes from the current plane and is sucked into the nearest leyline as an involuntary traveler. The character and all equipment carried are transformed into pure mana and travel through the leyline for a number of minutes equal to the character’s proficiency bonus. While doing so, the character moves at a speed of 300 feet per round along the path of the leyline. At the end of the travel, the character transforms back into physical form and appears in a random unoccupied space within 5 feet of the leyline. Traveling via the leylines is extremely strenuous. For every minute spent traveling in this fashion, the character must make a Wisdom check. The DC of this check is equal to 12 + 1 for every minute traveled. On a failure, the character gains 1 exhaustion level when exiting the leyline.
  • Non-psionic magic items stop functioning as intended. Roll a d20; on a 1-10, nothing unusual happens, on a 11-15, the item stops working, on a 16-19 the item’s power is changed (DM discretion), on a 20 the item is drained of all power permanently. This effect lasts 24 hours.

Attunement: The character must spend two weeks in the ruins of the underground laboratory to become attuned to it. During this time, the character must drink from the spring at least once a day.

This allows the character to tap into the highly dangerous psionic nexus to augment his or her own abilities…once per day, the character can choose to use a number of the following effects, up to the character’s proficiency bonus (selected at the beginning of the day):

  • can ignore all regional effects at will
  • gain a barbarian’s rage class feature, equivalent to the same level
  • know four talents of the character’s choice from the psion spell list
  • if the character is a spellcaster, he or she can choose to change the damage type of a number of spells equal to the character’s proficiency bonus to psychic. This converts these spells into psionic powers for the purpose of psionics-magic transparency.

The character does not lose attunement once he or she leaves the area of the effect. Attunement slowly fades away…for every day spent inside the area, the character stays attuned to it for one day, regardless of distance.