Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Holly Bayou

Country: Swamps of Stitei / Imperial Land

Founded: 7015 e.c.

Government Type: direct democracy

Ruling Entity: none; Sheriff Sanders

Area (sq mi): 52.7

Census: Population – 2602 ; People per sq mi – 49.8

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Human (human, kith, mern)34.2% (890)
Elf (noblesparks, merfolk)21.4% (557)
Uncommon (elflingstern, scale, dark, shiftertieflinggruntsharaak)15.4% (401)
Gnome (earthwhisper)12.2% (317)
Rare (genasisharkfolk, axani, cansin, unhallowed, arachne)8.7% (226)
Dwarf (mountain, gold)5.8% (151)
Halfling (lightspirit)2.3% (60)

History: Holly Bayou is a freetown on the border between the Swamps of Stitei and the Imperial Land, claiming nationality of both while not claiming either. It has an active swinging door policy: you are free to come, free to live, and free to leave, just do not interfere with those around you. The town itself is a random assortment of establishments with no regard to planning or zoning, all of it in continual repair because of the environment. The only law enforcement is a single sheriff who enforces the laws that are mutually voted for by the entire town. Sheriff Sanders rarely needs help in this regard, but at times has been known to deputize a small posse to track down and deal with troublemakers.

The secret to Holly Bayou, however, is the citizens. Somehow, this town became the stopping point for many travelers and powerful characters. Three-fifths of the population are retired adventurers, old pirates, and or disillusioned mercenaries. These are very powerful individuals who made their living doing dangerous work and lived to elderly or post-middle age. It is not uncommon to find the bespectacled and rotund elfling clerk at the inn once singlehandedly defeated a hydra, or that a seemingly illiterate sharkfolk hauling barrels out of the river to have been the captain of a pirate company. These individuals all have one thing in common: they came to this town to live a quiet life without their past haunting them. The citizens don’t take kindly to trouble coming to their idyllic out of the way town and will shut it down as soon as possible with all the means that a life of adventuring can bring.

Associated Organizations: none