Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Name: Falmut
Government Type: feudal lordships
Capital City: none
Nationality: Falmun
National Language: Folar (Eldar)
Currency: crownback
Census: Population – 19,530,000 ; People per sq mi – 693.9

Racial MakeupPercent of Pop.
Human (human)33.8% (6,601,140)
Halfling (light, spirit)28.7% (5,605,110)
Uncommon (elfling, stern, dark, tiefling, shifter, scale, grunt)23.5% (4,588,550)
Elf (noble)7.6% (1,484,280)
Gnome (earth, whisper)4.2% (819,260)
Dwarf (mountain)2.2% (429,660)
Rare (seaspawn, sharkfolk, unhallowed)0.0% (2,000)

Area (sq mi): 28,145
Environment: grasslands, rolling hills, marsh, mists
History: Falmut is a beautiful countryside of lush and fertile fields filled with thousands of head of cattle, prosperous farms, and flocks of sheep and fowl. However, it is also a country fractured into many squabbling realms, city-states ruled over by gentry and nobility, the remains of AthenonHouses, upstart new nobility, petty tyrants, and the ever-present power of the MistHouses. It is one country in name only, feudal societies that emphasized that those who lose face are unworthy of holding their power and land. The rulers of the realms scheme, steal, and quietly murder for power and land for their own, all under the umbrella of mock civility. An ally in the morning could become a mortal enemy by nightfall. This is especially true of those realms that have sided with Erthasa. It is widely considered that of the two countries, Falmut is the more cutthroat.

The prosperity of an individual is governed by the family they are born into, a caste system that allows little room for advancement. At the very top is the ruler of the city-state with his or her family and close friends. At the bottom are the slaves conscripted to work the fields and care for the animals.

Ruling Entity: none

Items of Interest: GuildHouses and AthenonHouses rule all in Falmut. There are dozens of realms that only barely get along, but the more prosperous and influential are listed below:

  • Gerome Orvo of the GuildHouse Orvo – earth gnome, neutral, artificer who owns several copper mines
  • Carpella of the GuildHouse Azule – scale, neutral, a double agent for Lord Vitalis
  • Lawver Scott of the AthenonHouse Mercanyin– human, neutral, is secretly trying to bring Falmut back under Cortesian rule
  • Arren Leah of AthenonHouse Burkwhirst– human, evil, druid affiliated with the Carnival of Tears
  • Lady Amethyst of the GuildHouse Kendrick – human, evil, affiliated with the Three Sisters
  • The Sultan and the Sultana – unknown, evil, affiliated with the Circle of Iron and traffic heavily in slaves

Foreign Policy: There is no central organization to conduct negotiations, and even if there were, most of the houses would not deign to listen. Each realm has external trade policies with other houses and organizations, foreign or otherwise, as they feel benefit their own interests. The only common factor that the realms will agree to is the need to stay on top. Many realms have allied with MistHouses in this regard, while others cultivate a friendship with Terrell.

Associated Organizations: The Circle of Iron, Tormented Bonds, Clan of the Dancing Eye, the Flying Scarves, the Cabal, the Keepers of the Mists, the Shadow Auction, the Shadowmind Guild, the Three Sisters, the Iron Squadron, the Living Library, the Carnival of Tears, Lord Vitalis, Feral Cadre, the Argil Masquerade, the Royal Heralds, the Redcloaks, the Syndicate of the Unseen Knife, the Order of Corvus, the Brotherhood of the Dog, the Lodge of the Turtle, the Carroway Shipping Partners, the Umbra Collective

Creation Information

Regional Backgrounds: Athenon Scion, Charlatan, City Watch, Companion, Criminal, Entertainer, Faction Agent, Farmer, Fisher, Gladiator, House Agent, House Merchant, Hunter, Noble, Pirate, Royal Herald, Sailor, Spy, Syndicate Operative, Tears Cultist, Twilight Anachronism, Urchin

Regional Feats: Aboriginal (Grassland, Marsh), Beastsign, Clanlore, Cosmopolitan, Education, Fearless, Forceful Magic, Lore of the Umbral, Puerduran Canon, Plague Resistant, Rapscallion, Regional Acumen, Shadow Balm, Snake Blood, Street Smart

Languages: Folar, Ophidian, Common