Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Drusila Liadon

Drusila is a special case, a powerful druidess who could turn the tide if she were to ally herself with others of like sentiment. But she hates people and civilization. She is loyal, however, and if you are on her good side you will always have a powerful ally. AS long as you do not do anything unkind to an animal…

excerpt from Krim’s notes

This elf has always been a pain to deal with. Take care to avoid her, she particularly enjoys using snakes to lethal effect.

The Beggar King’s margin notes

Drusila believes in the eventual ascension of animals over the civilized races. She is content to allow it to happen and even encourages it. She is loyal to those she considers allies and friends, but has utter disdain for the civilized races in general. She tries to not unbalance nature too much and feels must always deal out death if she also deals out life. She patrols most of the remnants of the Forest of Twilight, but has a lair on the border between Pelham and Fors that none save her closest allies know about.

She wears dark brown skintight, body-form leathers under a simple green dress and a floor-length cloak and gloves that extend to her elbows. Every inch of her body is covered except for her face, which is kept hooded whenever possible. Though she is careful about contact with anyone and anything, she will gladly care for any sort of animal or beast, especially reptiles. She has a subtle snake motif that runs through the leathers and along the hem of her cloak. Her hair is kept loose but hidden beneath the voluminous cloak she always keeps about her. Nobody has ever seen her without the leathers and lived to tell about it. To the recollection of anybody, she has never taken a lover, or visibly even shown affection for a nonreptile.

She talks to Idrina, her awakened viper, as an equal and considers the viper’s opinion of greater value than a humanoid. 

She has a tendency to travel on the back of a massive legendary snake named Yasha.

She has been approached many times by the Conclave of Storms, who recognize how powerful an ally she could be. She has turned them down every time, however, believing that they are too sympathetic to the cause of civilization. She does have the utmost respect for Runeswick, however, and will always try to help if he personally asks it of her.

Drusila has a particular hatred for Captain Algerin, and will drop whatever she is doing to confront and kill him if she’s ever informed of his location.

Despite her closeness to nature, she finds the living sentience behind the Forest of Twilight alarming and dangerous. If she discovers any warlocks with a pact of the Twilight, she hunts them down and kills them immediately.

She has taken on apprentices before, such as Stryder Suenso and Arens, but eventually cut them loose when their desire to be a part of the civilized races irritated her enough. Regardless, she has kept them close in touch, along with several powerful rangers and scouts, to form a loose association that tries to keep the natural world prospering. This organization, the Verdant Strands, seeks to maintain the balance of natural world and civilized world. This includes keeping the Forest of Twilight in check.

3.5 Stats: Grey elf; Druid/tamer of snakes Lvl19
Physical Description: 5′, 108lbs, long black hair, dark brown skin, bright green eyes, Age 159