Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.


Nobles, politicians, wealthy men. At some point in your life, you have been with all manner of society’s finest through your profession. Your profession, whether through freedom of choice, or a cruel twist of unfortunate events, is one that utilizes a very specific set of skills: the art of seduction. Though your circumstances may be unfortunate, you use them to your advantage. Whether it is using your body to persuade a client to change their mind on an issue, using your unique skill set to distract clients while you steal from right under their noses, or even playing the part of a cheap assassin.

  • Skill Proficiencies Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
  • Tool Proficiencies Disguise kit
  • Equipment A set of fine clothes, a purse or coin pouch containing 30gp, a disguise kit, jewelry pieces totaling 15gp, a bottle of perfume or cologne, soap, a cloak of fine silk with a hood and brooch, and a small gilded mirror.

History of Service

Although open to all ways of life, a companion has a story behind them, that, for the most part, discerns their own ways of living.

d4History of service
1I was under the wing of royalty, always loyal to their whims.
2I have broken so many hearts, either for gold or fun.
3I used to offer my services in a high end brothel.
4My services always opened even the best locked doors.

Feature: Past Influence

You know how to use your wiles to obtain what you want or to make a person talk. You have advantage on Persuasion checks using flirting techniques (as long as the target is of a compatible humanoid race that would be susceptible to your charms). You can also easily get connected to local rumors of towns and cities hosting a courting house, bathhouse, or similar establishment, granting you advantage to Investigation checks conducted in such a way.

Suggested Characteristics

d8Personality Trait
1I am highly flamboyant; I like to exaggerate my movements and mannerisms.
2My speech is like a switch; I speak either very warmly or very coldly to anyone.
3I am unafraid to get up-close and “personal” with some people or situations.
4I keep silent about any shortcomings I may be experiencing. I can’t stand being pitied.
5I am extremely flirtatious, even with friends.
6I prefer to leave things finished, rather then let bygones be bygones.
7I love being the center of attention, but I don’t envy those who take that from me.
8I am quite hesitant to name my profession when asked about it.
1Cynicism. Everyone uses others, why should I act any different? (Evil.)
2Sympathy. I sympathize with those who work hard but gain little in their endeavors. (Good.)
3Pride. I love the work I do, despite what any naysayers may call me. (Any.)
4Personal Gain. When I’m doing you a service, I am yours. If I’m not, I want nothing to do with you. (Chaotic.)
5Respect. My favorite clients are the ones who have reasonable expectations and don’t stir up trouble. (Lawful.)
6Independence. My body and soul are my own, no matter what anyone else may say about me. (Neutral.)
1I am highly skeptical when someone offers me something without asking for anything in return.
2I don’t concern myself with the turmoil spawned from other’s problems.
3There is someone I’m waiting for so we can live together.
4I know a secret about one of my clients that could cost me my life if revealed.
5I have a few cheated spouses of lovers who would like to witness my demise.
6I once fell in love, but I never said it because of what I do.
1Despite my own ability to read people, I myself am very easily read by others.
2If someone has some kind of debt over me, I feel obligated to fulfill said debt no matter what.
3I sometimes expect or wish for others would take care of my problems.
4Depending on the pay, I will do anything for a client.
5I use any means I have at my disposal to complete a goal.
6I love presents or gifts, and cannot refuse one, even if I know doing so is a bad idea.