Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Callarduan Smoothhands, Deep Brother

Alignment: N

Primal Energy: Blue 

Portfolio: stone, mining, gemcutting

Domains: Darkness, Earth, Forge, Machine

Symbol: gold ring with star symbol

Favored Weapon: battleaxe

Brief Description: Callarduan Smoothhands is by nature solitary and thoughtful, and he rarely consorts even with the other gnome deities. He is a benign but secretive deity, caring only for his people and their defense against deep elves and the other dangers of the Underdark. Callarduan is not usually widely regarded amongst the gnomes, but he is worshipped and celebrated by gnomish smiths and crafters, who invoke his name when creating gnomish instruments. Callarduan has an amiable but remote alliance with other earth-related deities such as Skoraus Stonebones, Dumathoin, and Urogalan.


Dogma: Callarduan led his chosen people into the deepest depths of the earth so that they might discover the joyous beauty of rubies and other gems. Beware the dangers of going too deep into the Underdark, and guard against the evil races that populate it such as the deep elves and the illithids. Protect and serve your community. Celebrate the beauty of minerals and gems and understand their value in craft, art, and magic.

Clergy Title and Special Duties: 

Special Restrictions: The ceremonial garb of the priests of Callarduan Smoothhands is comprised of simple grey robes adorned with small (usually red) gems, a steel or mithril circlet worn on the brow, and steel sandals as footwear. The holy symbol a priest carries is a ruby whose size is indicative of the priest’s rank in the church. Novice priests are known as “the Unworked.” The ranks of the church (in ascending order) are: First Facet, Second Facet, Third Facet, Fourth Facet, Fifth Facet, Sixth Facet, Seventh Facet, Eighth Facet, Ruby, and the Smoothed.

Major Holy Days: 

