Shadows of Dakaron

The World of Dakaron – a unique fantasy setting that has everything from a creeping desert, a living forest, powerful beings struggling for control behind the scenes, and a variety of races and cultures trying to survive it all.

Boornik, the Stalker

Alignment: N

Primal Energy: Red / Green

Portfolio: the hunt, animals, survival

Domains: Animal, Courage, Nature

Symbol: bloody claw

Favored Weapon: short sword

Brief Description: Similar to his younger sister, Sunnis, Boornik was dissatisfied with the typical orc life and his father’s domineering attitude. Unlike her, he decided to find another outlet for his own proclivities. He found a mentor in Rugha, and for years travelled with the Vulture learning how to hunt and kill. It was he who found the elven goddess Artemis, and accompanied Rugha in hunting her. However, when she was struck down by the Vulture’s arrows, Boornik was confronted with the true evil in his companion’s heart and then was subsequently abandoned to Rillifane Rallathil’s fury as the Vulture fled. The elven deity, realizing the young orc godling was not at fault, instead directed him to learn the ways of the land and work with nature, instead of against it. He brought his son Solonor to train Boornik, and the two became fast friends. Boornik returned to the orcs a changed creature, determined to avenge his innocence against the Vulture and his allies and teach the orcnea how to survive in a hostile world. He works hand in hand with his sister for this purpose. He and Sunnis are the only orcnea deities who actively cultivate friendship with the elves.

Avatar: Boornik appears as a huge orc with bugling muscles and dirty tan skin. His eyes are dull green, and his glistening white tusks protrude from either side of his mouth. Despite his size, he is very quiet, rarely speaking unless it’s in a grunt. He’s always dressed in plain unkempt leathers and reeks of the forest and carries his short sword and daggers in a brace along his chest.


Clergy Title and Special Duties: 

Special Restrictions: 

Major Holy Days: 

